
Entry points each year at Radford College are Pre-Kindergarten, Year 3, Year 7 and Year 11.

Places in other year levels are only available as vacancies arise.

Registering interest

On deciding that you would like your child to attend Radford College in the future, the first step is to register your child's name on the Radford College waitlist.

All registrations received are placed on a specific waitlist according to preferred academic year level/calendar year of entry (for example "Year 3 2025", or "Year 7 2028"), with separate lists for girls and boys. For each waitlist, children's names are ranked by the interval (number of days) between date of birth and date of registration, after priority students.

Students can only be on one list at a time. If a place is not available for the preferred academic year level/calendar year of entry, your child's name shall automatically roll up each year to successive year levels, retaining and being ranked by their original date of registration.

It is recommended that parents place their child's name on the earliest year level waitlist that they would be interested in commencing at Radford College (for example, if interested in a place in either Year 3 2025 or Year 7 2028, placing a child's name on the Year 3 2025 list would mean they would be on the correct list for a possible place from Year 3 onwards. If placed on the Year 7 2028 waitlist, they would only be considered for a possible place from Year 7 onwards).

Cost of registration

Registration incurs a non-refundable registration fee of $220 per child, and all siblings must be individually registered. The registration fee covers administrative costs and information provision while names are on the waitlist.

Online registration to waitlist

If you require enrolment within the next two years, or your child is currently in Year 9 or above, please contact the Registrar’s office on (02) 6162 6212 for advice before submitting your application.

To register children on the Radford College waitlist, complete and submit this online registration form (requiring payment of the $220 registration fee).

Please note that payment of the registration fee does not guarantee enrolment in the future.

Once a completed registration form is lodged, you will receive an email response acknowledging receipt of your application. If you do not receive the email notification, please contact the Registrar on (02) 6162 6212.

Age requirements for Pre-Kindergarten entry

In the ACT, if a child turns four before 30 April, they can start preschool the first day of Term 1 that year. If a child turns four on or after 30 April, they can start preschool the first day of Term 1 the following year.

Changes to preferred year of entry

Once a child's name has been registered on the waitlist, families are welcome to change their preferred year of entry by emailing the Registrar with change requests. Any changes made shall be confirmed via email.

Changes to family contact details

Families are responsible for keeping their contact details up to date with the Registrar's office if they change after registration on the waitlist. Changes need to be advised in writing via email.
