Being A Good Human

By Reverend Andy Fleming, Chaplain

Year 12 students are in their final week of timetabled lessons. For some, there is the feeling of excitement in the air about finishing school. For others, it can be a somewhat unsettling time involving a mixture of emotions and responses - anticipation for what the future holds, coupled with the uncertainty of leaving the safety and assuredness of something they’ve known for so long. In spite of this time being one of personal milestones and celebration of individual achievements, I am impressed by the many students who are giving of themselves and thinking of others during this time. For instance, Year 12 students have still been spending time tutoring younger students after school in the Homework Hub; supporting the Recreational Activities for people with an Intellectual Disability (RAID) Basketball program; and some have even been attending Radford Awareness and Service (RAS) meetings to help organise an event to support Save the Children, a charity that advocates for children's rights and works in 116 different countries promoting child health, education and protection.

Vidimus by Stella Weston-Davis. This artwork is a portrait without a person, showing the connection of faith to an individual. Intentionally drawn in a messy, scribble style in coloured pencils to replicate the style of art that children often create, this is a depiction of youth's role in religion in a positive perspective.

At a time when students could be focusing on their studies and maximising the opportunity to increase their potential ATAR, they are not forgetting the importance of looking out for other people whose needs are greater than their own and are not necessarily afforded the same opportunities.

After Jesus ascended to heaven, the disciples continued his ministry. Acts 5:12-16 detail how Peter and the disciples continued to heal and serve their community in the temple. They did such wonderful things for the people that it inspired others to follow the Christ-centred love they saw in the disciples. Temple authorities seemingly wanted to throw the disciples in jail, or worse, due to the misguided threat they perceived to their power. Perhaps this is part of the reason the disciples had a positive impact on the people they interacted with. Despite the personal risk they experienced, they continued to inspire, drawing people to them and enabling others the opportunity to live well.

In much the same way, I am finding the selfless actions of the Year 12s inspiring. These Year 12 students understand that looking to fulfil their own needs doesn’t mean they cease to look out for others in need. Their actions and attitudes are not unlike the advice provided by the prophet Micah. It’s quite simple: "Do what is fair and just to your neighbour, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don’t take yourself too seriously."

A prayer for the week ahead (For You are With Me by K.J. Ramsey):

O Jesus,
the God whose eyes cried tears
and whose hands hold
all things together:
we, the weary, ask
that where we see chaos and want certainty,
you’d give calmness and forge courage
that we might walk
into this new week and season
welcoming you as both Companion and Creator
in a world being entirely made new.


Go in peace,
Rev. Andy
