A lot to celebrate

What an exciting time to be part of Radford College! There is undoubtably a sense of joy and optimism in the air – and not just because of the changing seasons and the impending school holidays.

Last week we had the honour of hosting the national netball team, the Diamonds, in our very own Collegians Centre. Radford netball players and their families got to watch these phenomenal athletes train and afterwards take selfies and have items of clothing, netballs, and even shoes, autographed by Captain Liz Watson and her team. Hopefully, this will be the first of many events of its kind.

On the same day we had a hugely successful Year 7 Orientation Day in which the 2025 Year 7 class got a taste of what to expect as they make the transition from Junior to Secondary School. This concluded with the Year 7 Festival in the Turning Circle where anything from bubble tea to sausage sizzles were sold. I was very impressed with the variety of items on display and the way the students marketed their individual stalls. The Year 7 cohort under the guiding hand of Head of Year Mrs Jane Lilley did a great job organising this event and should be proud.

Another thing to be proud of is the new Pavilion Playground. Work on this new edition to the College grounds starts this week and is set to be completed when students arrive back for Term 4. This playground, that will be built adjacent to the J.A. Mackinnon Oval, will provide students with a range of activities to improve fitness, strength, and agility, in addition to general play.

To commemorate Radford's 40th year, we unveiled a beautiful mosaic this week featuring the names of those who donated generously to the Radford Foundation on their first ever Giving Day. The event was held on 5 June and a total of $116 000 was raised on the day. This will go towards scholarships and Radford’s future. The mosaic was made by Secondary School art teacher, Ms Dimity Kidston and is really something to behold. Please take the time to have a look at it when you're next at the turning circle on campus.

The College’s commitment to sustainability is one of the things that sets us apart. Last week we received the news that Radford College was awarded its third star in the ACT Sustainable Schools Program. This is a remarkable achievement, and I would like to thank the Sustainability Working Group for all their efforts in promoting Radford as a place where caring for the environment is commonplace.

Last week ended on a high note with the Trivia Night hosted by Radford’s Parents and Friends Association. With the date being Friday the 13th, the theme was inspired by all things Spooky – a theme that was embraced by all who attended. Please see the article and photos on the Trivia Night in this edition of the Bulletin. I would encourage anyone who isn’t a member yet, to sign up to be part of this great P&F Association.

These are just some of the big things, but there are also hundreds of little things that happen every day at the College that make me proud: a student picking up a piece of litter, reaching out to a fellow student who is struggling, signing up for a new sport or club, and keeping on doing their best, even when they don’t feel like it. Students for whom the words Truth, Compassion and Wisdom, aren’t just words they pass at the gate when they drive into the College, but that are the building blocks of their lives here at Radford College.

Keep on making us proud.

