Blessing of the Pets

Blessing of the Pets

Blessing of the pets
Rev. Andy Fleming, Associate Chaplain, at the Blessing of the Pets service. Photo: Alan Lee

By Rev. Dr Katherine Rainger, Senior Chaplain

If you want to learn, then go and ask
the wild animals and the birds,
the flowers and the fish.
Any of them can tell you what the Lord has done.
Every living creature is in the hands of God.

Job 12:7-10 (The Bible, CEV)

The Church remembers Saint Francis of Assisi (1181 – 1226) on 4 October. Saint Francis is known for his generosity to all people, his quest for justice and his companionship with, and compassion for, all animals. This year the Jewish New Year festival Rosh Hashanah, which celebrates God’s creation of the world, also occurs from 2 – 4 October.

Around St Francis Day, many Christian communities hold Blessing of the Animals services as a reminder that all creatures belong to God and are part of the creation that God made and loves. On Sunday 22 September members of the Radford College community gathered with their pets for a Blessing of the Pets service in the chapel courtyard.

In the spirit of Saint Francis, a dedicated follower of Jesus, we celebrate and give thanks for our pets and all they teach us. We give thanks for the work of those who care for animals and recommit ourselves to acting for the good of our common home.
