Bon Appétit!

Bon Appétit!

By Ms Di Lefebvre, French language teacher

The menu Radford students were presented with upon arrival.

On Friday 21 June, the Year 10 French students had the opportunity to go to the French restaurant Les Bistronomes in Campbell, headed by French chef, Clément Chauvin.

The students enjoyed dining on quintessential French cooking.

The tasting started with two amuse-bouches – Goat’s cheese Boursin between two beetroot macarons and duck liver pâté with cherry gel on a grilled brioche.

For the main course, we were served Canard à l’orange served on a bed of red cabbage accompanied by homemade fries. To top it all off we enjoyed a flambéed crème brûlée.

The students appreciated the atmosphere of the restaurant and thoroughly enjoyed the meal together.
