In the spotlight
In the spotlight
By Mr Damien Nemeth, Head of Department – Mathematics
Mathematical fluency is about more than just getting the right answer – it’s the confidence and ease that come from truly understanding numbers. It means being able to solve problems quickly and accurately because the basics, like times tables and number facts, come naturally. But it’s not just about memorisation; it also involves knowing mathematical terms and symbols and how to make sense of equations.
When students develop mathematical fluency, they’re better equipped to tackle more complex maths concepts, think critically, and solve real-world problems. This not only boosts their efficiency but also helps reduce “maths anxiety”, making the subject feel less intimidating and more enjoyable.
In 2024, Radford College introduced the newest version of the Australian Curriculum for students in Years 7-10. It was interesting to note that while maths is still maths and the order of delivery might have changed a little, the biggest difference is a push to develop the critical element of fluency in the earlier years. Schools need to provide high-quality mathematics instruction that includes routines for fact and procedural fluency.
Each mathematical lesson is broken down into three critical components. Each component is essential to ensure students' understanding of the concept develops.
- Discovery/demonstration – the explicit teaching component during the lesson. This may be the whiteboard or OneNote where the concept is demonstrated for the first time, usually requiring an understanding or a brief recall of a previous concept.
- Developing – this is when students practise the concept demonstrated during the earlier part of the lesson. This may be done individually, or collaboratively, where students can bounce their ideas or understanding off their peers or the teacher.
- Consolidation – the home learning component of the lesson. Each lesson should have a home learning component of between 15 mins (Year 7) through to 45 mins (Year 12). Students should re-read their notes from that lesson and complete the set questions. This is an essential component of that lesson/concept, as the next lesson will usually feature a new concept.
Maths is not a spectator sport. Students, in every lesson, are challenged and supported to be active learners to develop their skills, grit and perseverance.