Junior School movie night

By Melinda Hamiton, Teacher

The Junior School held its annual Movie Night on 6 June. 130 families quickly snapped up the tickets and came out on a cold and blustery night to enjoy the family favourite Night at the Museum. Popcorn and other picnic dinners were munched on and plenty of laughs were had while viewing this funny Ben Stiller classic.

The Radford Student Council (RSC) students worked very hard to organise this wonderful event, with a highlight being our popcorn popping morning. Students used microwaves in the Junior School to pop 130 bags of popcorn for the evening. The smell drifted around the school all day.

The ticket sales allowed the RSC to raise $1000 for our Compassion sponsor children, which will go towards supporting their education and health.

Thanks to everyone who came and supported this great event.
