Kindergarten creates bug homes

Kindergarten creates bug homes

By Miss Melinda Hamilton, Kindergarten Teacher

Kindergarten has been learning about bugs and insects as part of our investigations into ‘How the World Works’.

The Kindergarten classes enjoyed a visit to one of the Radford worm farms and learnt from Ms Shellee Nikolaou about how worms turn our food waste into good soil. They were fascinated by holding the worms and watching them bunch together to get away from the light. We’re now trying really hard to place the correct items in the worm farm bin, which include fruit, vegetables and other food scraps.

Mr Florin Suciu and Mr Forrest Koch helped the Kindergarten students install their insect hotels.

One class even worked collaboratively to create some additional homes. The Facilities team were very helpful by preparing wooden houses and drilling holes into lots of different pieces of wood for us to use.

The students then decorated the homes with images of different insects and bugs to help encourage them to come and stay. Then they selected different pieces of wood and puzzled the pieces into the home to create lots of small holes for the insects to reside. It took a lot of teamwork and cooperation!

Finally, the Caretaker, Mr Florin Suciu and Mr Forrest Koch from the Facilities team helped the students to hang their insect hotels in the locations they had carefully chosen around the College. The students wanted to put the hotels near nature to best cater to insects. We look forward to helping lots of insects and bugs with our insect hotels.

It was so fun to make the insect hotels. We put a hotel near the Godly Play-room as there is lots of nature thereEthan

We put our hotel ‘Out the Gate’ on a tree. There are lots of trees there and we can look when we play there at lunch – Celina

Bush school has lots of nature. We put our hotel there on a tree, right near Gossan Hill. I hope lots of bugs live there! Elena

The best bit was drawing insects on our hotel. I drew a butterfly on the front. We put our hotel on the oval
