Kindy kids inspired by nature

By Ms Pip Buining, Teacher

This year the Kindergarten classes are named after birds. Kindy Arts has used this as a provocation for our learning in and through the Arts, engaging in cross curriculum learning whilst promoting growth in students’ general capabilities and character strengths.

At the start of the year the Kind Kookaburras (KSD), Persevering Penguins (KMH), Brave Bower Birds (KJG) and Open-Minded Magpies (KKB) explored their connections and observations of birds and the role and function of feathers to create a collaborative artwork, a pair of wings, which is hung in the Kindergarten Inquiry Space and is aptly titled, Together We Can Fly.

Spring boarding from this, Ms Jodie Munday, First Nations Artist in Residence, began working with students to create a second collaborative work. Inspired by the Superb Lyrebird, the creative process is engaging students in invaluable cultural learning, supporting their connection to country on Gossan Hill, learning new techniques and processes in art, and making and developing critical thinking through research, discussion, responding and reflecting.

Together we have created a loom that is made from natural and man-made materials, and the students have begun to weave a nest that includes what they have found on Gossan Hill during our class explorations.

I learnt that the lyrebirds clean up the forest – Lance, KKB

Jodie taught us how to weave, we use a pattern going up and down – Raghav, KKB
