Powerful Learning at Radford

Powerful Learning at Radford

By Mr Brad Cooney, Deputy Principal, Head of Secondary School

Brad Cooney

As we approach the end of Semester 1, students in the Secondary School are entering their examination blocks, and students in Years 7–10 are deeply engaged in their learning and preparations for upcoming assessments.

Whilst reflecting on the powerful learning that is taking place, it is important to acknowledge that this is a collaborative effort that involves a strong partnership between the College and home. When parents, teachers and students work together, incredible things can and do happen.

Imagine a student who is struggling with a particular subject. With the combined support and caring guidance from both teachers and parents, that student can receive the help they need to overcome challenges and achieve success. This partnership creates a supportive environment where the student feels empowered to learn and grow.

Our staff are living their vocational commitment to ensure our students have every opportunity to participate and succeed.

Please consider taking 5 minutes to email a staff member who has been supporting your child’s growth and learning to offer a vote of thanks. We have much to be grateful for. Gratitude grows connection. Being in partnership with families is enhanced if communication goes both ways.

As we continue this journey of powerful learning, let’s remember that the College and home partnership is key to helping our students thrive. Together, we can create a nurturing environment where each student can reach their true and full potential.

Thank you for being an essential part of our school community and for your continued support of our academic staff in making powerful learning a reality for our students.
