Radford's Spirit Trophy

By Mrs Annette Carter, College Historian

In the foyer of the Secondary School library are two wooden artefacts in acrylic showcases. Together they represent the Spirit Trophy that was first introduced in 1994. They were brought in to recognise “the overwhelming spirit of the House as opposed to the physical talents". The trophy consists of an aboriginal totem and a didgeridoo and is awarded to the House which earns the greatest number of spirit points over the year. (Radfordian, 1994).

The plaques on the showcase highlight that since 2006 the winners have been:

2006 – Wandoo

2007 – Karri

2008 – Boronia

2009 – Kurrajong

2010 – Banksia

2011 – Kurrajong

2012 – Boronia

2013 – Karri

2014 – Huon & Karri

2015 – Karri

2016 – Kurrajong

2017 – Kurrajong

2018 – Huon & Kurrajong

2019 – Kurrajong

2020 – Jarrah

2021 – Kurrajong

2022 – Huon

2023 – Banksia

Further research shows that the winners for the years prior were:

1994 – Banksia

1995 – Huon

1996 – Wandoo

1997 – Boronia (Athletics Carnival) and Huon (Swimming Carnival)

1998 – Kurrajong

1999 – Kurrajong

2000 – Jarrah

2001 – Unknown

2002 – Unknown

2003 – Boronia

2004 – Wandoo

2005 – Unknown

Amusingly, when Boronia was awarded the Spirit Trophy in 2003, they learnt that they weren’t physically awarded the trophy “as Chris and Vic learned later, we do not actually get anything (having run up on stage at assembly to claim our trophy)” (Radfordian, 2003)

Do you know if it was awarded in 2001, 2002 or 2005? Or why it wasn’t? We’d love to know. Please email annette.carter@radford.act.edu.au
