Radford's Sustainability Milestones

By Ms Yasiman Keen, Finance Coordinator

This term has marked significant progress for Radford’s sustainability initiatives. We proudly received our third star (out of a possible five) from the Sustainable Schools Program (SSP), an ACT Government initiative. This recognition reflects our ongoing commitment to sustainability as we continue to embrace innovative solutions and expand our program.

Sustainability Captains Pip and Tiffany with the Coral Bark Maple tree they planted.

Over the past eight years, we've achieved a 33% reduction in electricity consumption per student. This milestone was made possible through collective efforts, including the promotion of energy-efficient practices, the installation of energy-saving lighting, and running educational campaigns. These changes have not only reduced our costs but also lessened our environmental impact.

The recently installed electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the main staff car park have been a resounding success, helping to offset 1,834 litres of petrol to date. We encourage everyone to use the chargers to support this initiative.

Kindergarten students proudly showing off the Insect hotel they installed with the help of Forrest Koch and Florin Suciu from the Facilities team.

On our Sustainability page, we’ve raised awareness of local threatened species such as the Gang-gang Cockatoo and Swift Parrot. We’ve enhanced the school’s biodiversity by building insect hotels and birdhouses, planting native gardens, educating students on worm farming, and hosting visits from ACT for Bees. These efforts, along with celebrating key biodiversity dates, are helping us support the natural ecosystem around us.

On 23 July Radford College planted a Coral Bark Maple in honour of Schools Tree Day (26 July) and National Tree Day (28 July). Our Sustainability captains, Tiffany Chue and Pip Humpries took part in planting the new maple near the Morison building. This tree was picked by Tiffany and Mr. Paul Tosic (part of facilities team) because it is ideal for the climate and location it was being planted in. This was a special day to commemorate our commitment to fostering a greener future.

We are thrilled to be on this journey together as a community! Our efforts are starting to show, fostering a greener mindset throughout the school. During the holidays, we encourage everyone to keep the momentum going – whether by picking up litter, biking instead of driving, or simply turning off the tap while brushing your teeth. Every action counts!
