All aboard!

By Miss Melinda Hamilton, Teacher

Kindergarten students are learning about ‘How We Organise Ourselves’ this term, which involves investigations into the properties of materials and design work to construct their own boat, flying vehicle and wheeled vehicle. To help learn about how these vehicles are made and move, the Kindergarten students have been lucky enough to enjoy two excursions.

In Week 2 of this term, the Kindergarten classes all went on a boat cruise with Lake Burley Griffin Cruises. They got to cruise up and down the lake in an electric boat, even getting a turn to drive and learn about how the rudder turns the boat. This helped students to then design and make their own model boats which were sailed in large tubs of water!

In Weeks 5 and 6 Kindergarten classes also had the opportunity to head out on an adventure that involved riding the Radford bus to the Canberra Train station before catching the CountryLink train to Bungendore. They loved looking out the windows and observing animals, traffic and nature as well as putting down the tray, reclining their chair and testing out the footrest!

After arriving in Bungendore, the students walked to the park where they had lunch and time to play. Some very tired students rode the bus back to school after such a great day out. Students will be using their experience with wheeled vehicles to help design and make a model vehicle in the coming weeks.

Going on the train was so much fun. We had tables and a footrest. We went through 3 tunnels and it was dark – Ethan

It was so fun playing at the park, there was this chain you pulled and the bucket came up – Reuben

The best bit was when we got to drive the boat and make it go side to side. We sailed under the bridge too! – Celina
