Sustainability and Environmental Education

Sustainability and Environmental Education

By Ms Tracey Markovic, Assistant Head of Junior School Operations

Our Junior School students are our future decision-makers. Ensuring they have a deep understanding of current environmental issues is crucial for ensuring our planet's long-term health. By fostering interest in sustainability and environmental stewardship, our students can help create a future where pressing issues such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss are understood and acted upon. This awareness has the possibility to inspire them to make informed lifestyle choices and advocate for positive environmental change.

Each day in our Junior School students work together in groups where the environment is the focus.

Year 5/6 Round Square – Environmentalism

This term our Years 5 and 6 Round Square students have been focusing on the pillar of Environmentalism.

Round Square schools encourage their students to develop a spirit of Environmentalism: understanding our place in the universe, the forces that shape our surroundings and the impact we have on those surroundings.’

During Science Week students were visited by Julie Armstrong from ACT for Bees. Students learnt about the importance of bees and how we can take care of them at a local level. Julie outlined that bees are vital and without them our ecosystems would suffer, and our way of life would be severely impacted.

After finishing their work with Julie, students submitted a proposal to create a garden planted with natives that would encourage more bees. Students researched which local native plants would be best to incorporate in our grounds, and then they travelled to a local nursery to purchase them.

Since returning to school, students have been in contact with our facilities team to assist in preparing the ground for planting. Our hope is to have all natives in the ground and thriving prior to the school holidays.

5/6 Round Square Environmentalism staff: Mr Jon Craddock, Mrs Daniela Gray and Ms Tracey Markovic.

RAS Bird Houses

Our Years 3 and 4 RAS Junior School students have been learning about the importance of native birds in our playgrounds. The existence of native birds in our school environment allows students a hands-on way to learn about local wildlife and ecosystems. It fosters curiosity, environmental awareness, and a deeper connection to nature. Observing birds in their natural habitat can teach children about bird behaviour, habitats, and conservation in an engaging way.

Earlier this year our RAS students identified that they would like to revamp our existing bird houses as they were looking a little weathered. Students had initially planned to have new bird houses constructed, however, thanks to a coincidental suggestion by Ms Tracey Craze, they decided to purchase a locally and sustainably made birdhouse.

Habitat Innovation and Management is an Australian company who design habitats and provide consultation services to ensure that the unique Australian biodiversity is protected and preserved. Students selected to purchase a Two Unit Nest Box to ensure the local birdlife has access to suitable habitat.

In addition to the new nest box, RAS students are continuing to repair the original bird feeders. They are currently spending their lunch times sanding, and once ready they will paint them in colours that attract native species of birds.

Students have also conducted research into how much birds should be fed dependant on the season, to ensure they are not over-fed.

RAS Junior School Birdhouse Project staff: Mrs Mackenzie Perfect and Rev. Andy Fleming
