The gift that keeps on giving

The gift that keeps on giving

By Rev. Andy Fleming, Associate Chaplain

One of my greatest joys each day is coming home to Sunshine, our pet dog. Fellow dog owners will be familiar with the act of being enthusiastically greeted at the door by their pet. Regardless of being away for 5 months, 5 days or 5 minutes, I find Sunshine’s greeting one of pure love and excitement. I have to admit to wishing my teenage sons sometimes shared the same excitement! The interactions we have with animals leaves me in wonder about the connections we humans share with animals.

This week is National Science Week with the theme for schools of ‘Species Survival.’ I personally love this theme. Being increasingly attuned to God’s gift of creation since holidaying in Africa over 20 years ago, I am ever more concerned about how we collectively engage in God’s gift of being responsible for caring for animals. This may be as simple as cleaning the environment immediately surrounding us to supporting organisations like the World Wildlife Fund.

The Bible provides many references to animals. We are all familiar with God creating all creatures in the Genesis creation story. There are many times too where we can look to the passages to help us understand that God’s gift of creatures is meant to be a continual blessing to our lives — where they provide for us, and we can learn from animals in ways that perhaps we don’t consider.

In the wisdom of the Proverbs, the writer informs the reader that someone who is righteous, cares for the needs of animals and also how we can learn from the actions of ants! In one of the passages that help provide me with perspective, Jesus points to how we can learn from birds not to “worry about things” because God will provide for us. Just as science reveals to us, the Bible shows the symmetry between the connected relationship of humankind and the animal world.

There is a such a unique beauty to animals that we can all enjoy. On the recent Central Australia trip, we visited the Alice Springs Desert Park. There, I found animals I never knew existed, like the Australian Bustard. We even got the opportunity to watch how eagles hunt their prey. These interactions leave me in awe and wonder about God’s seemingly never-ending gift of Creation.

A Prayer for Wildlife

Dear God,

As I look around at the world you have created, I am filled with awe and wonder at the diversity of life you have placed on this planet. From the smallest insect to the largest mammal, every creature has a place in your grand design, and I am grateful for the beauty and richness that they bring to our world.

But Lord, I am also aware that many of these creatures are in danger. Their habitats are being destroyed by deforestation, and their lives are threatened by the changes that are happening to our planet as a result of climate change. I pray for the protection of these animals and their habitats. I pray for the wisdom and compassion to make the changes we need to make to protect their homes.

Lord, I know that these creatures are not just important to us, but they are also important to you. You have created each one with care and intention, and you have given us the responsibility to care for them as stewards of your creation. Help us to be faithful in this task, and to act with wisdom, kindness, and love towards all your creatures.

I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, who taught us to love and care for all of your creation.


Go in Peace,

Rev. Andy
