Tuning in to Teens Parenting Program
By Ms Sophie Chang, School Psychologist
Radford's Secondary School counselling team is offering the Tuning in to Teens™ parenting program over six sessions, on campus, between 4-6 pm on Thursdays, from 22 February - 28 March 2024.
Tuning in to Teens is an evidence-based program using the principles of emotional intelligence and emotional coaching to enhance parenting skills. It is a six-session parenting program that aims to assist parents with developing the skills to talk with their teens about emotions, developing emotional intelligence in their teens, and helping with conflict management in the home.
This program works with the principle of emotional intelligence. Teens with higher emotional intelligence:
- Are stronger and more aware and assertive in situations involving peer pressure.
- Have greater success with making friends and are more able to manage conflict with their peers.
- Are more able to cope when upset or angry.
- Have fewer mental health and substance abuse difficulties.
- Have more stable and satisfying relationships as adults.
- Have greater career success - emotional intelligence may be a better predictor of academic and career success than IQ.
This program is offered to parents with a student in Years 7-12 and spaces are limited.
What Radford parents have said about changes they have noticed as a result of participating in the program:
“I am more mindful about learning to choose connecting rather than correcting, and some good conversations have ensued.”
“My children are more happy to join me in conversation.”
“More connection.”
“We became less confrontational, easier to reason!”
If you wish to participate in the program, please fill out the expression of interest form here.
If you would like to know more about the program or have any further questions, please email Tuning in to Teens facilitator: sophie.chang@radford.act.edu.au