Year 5 Band program off to a great start

By Mr Ben Marston, Director of Bands

After many months of planning and preparation, our Year 5 Band program is underway for the very first time. The program forms the bulk of the Year 5 music classroom studies, offering every Year 5 student an opportunity to engage with instrumental study. Every student will learn a brass woodwind or percussion instrument and is given their own instrument to use for the duration of the program.

Students were very excited yesterday to open their brand-new flutes, clarinets, trumpets, trombones or percussion packs and there were many interesting noises pouring out of the classroom as they made their first successful attempts at producing a sound. As the year progresses, students will have the opportunity to play together as a group, and eventually, the whole year group will come together for a concert performance.

Engagement in instrumental studies and ensemble music making has proven to have a significantly positive impact on the young, developing brain, impacting students’ ability to self-regulate behaviour, manage challenges, empathise and focus in all areas of learning. We look forward to watching the students develop and flourish in this enjoyable program over the year, and hopefully develop a love of playing music that will continue into future years.
