Staff Insights
The power of parent-school partnerships
The future of education and community expectations
The power of parent-school partnerships
The future of education and community expectations
The power of parent-school partnerships
Share this articleBy Mr Christopher Bradbury, Principal
We extend our sincere gratitude to our parent community for their enthusiastic participation and insightful engagement at the recent Evening with the Principal event hosted by the Parents and Friends Association. It was a privilege to share our vision for Radford College and to hear your thoughtful perspectives on the future of our school and education. Your presence underscores the strength of our partnership and your commitment to student success.
The significance of the occasion reinforced to me a quote from the researcher Mark McCrindle who said: “The strength of a school comes from its stories and traditions, but the future of a school rests in its relevance and innovation.”
The "relevance and innovation" largely resides in understanding both the strategic and operational direction of a school. Schools need to ensure they have the operational capacity to achieve their goals and objectives on a day-to-day basis, while also having the strategic vision to future-proof, so our students are prepared for life after school.
Success in this instance can be achieved by having a clear understanding of our community expectations and meeting the challenges of future learning. Through his research, McCrindle presented some interesting data demonstrating community perspectives about the future of education, and the importance of establishing processes and systems to achieve the best possible learning experience for our students.
The relationship between home and school has never been more important and an understanding of parent expectations is vital in establishing the right balance between the interests and needs of the community and the school.
McCrindle's research highlights the growth of parent engagement in recent years through the following observations:
- In the past two years, two in five parents (41 per cent) have become more engaged with their child’s school.
- Almost half (46 per cent) are making it more of a priority to be engaged with their child’s schooling.
It is clear to me in the early stages of my tenure that we are fortunate at Radford to have a well-connected parent community. Our parents are heavily invested in the education of their children and there are very clear expectations regarding the learning experiences we establish for our students. The level of support we receive from our community is instrumental in building a sense of pride and collaboration to achieve positive learning outcomes. Parents are investing more time and energy into their children’s education because they recognise its value, and they do so under the growing demands of work commitments.
Human flourishing needs to be at the heart of our educational mission and in terms of community expectations, well-being is a growing priority—and rightfully so. McCrindle's research made the following observations:
- Almost half of parents (48 per cent) have increased their expectations of their child’s school to support well-being.
- Almost all parents (97 per cent) believe schools should have a holistic focus and play some role in the management of well-being.
Part of preparing students for the future is equipping them with the skills and dispositions to handle pressure, be organised and develop competencies such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication and creativity.
As we embark on the development of our next strategic plan, the cornerstone of our success will be the robust partnership between home and school. Your insights, perspectives and continued commitment to our students' well-being are vital in shaping a vision that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our community.
Community engagement at Radford College is not merely a component of our strategy, it will be the very essence of it. We are committed to fostering an environment where every voice is heard, every idea is valued and every member feels a sense of belonging. Through open dialogue, collaborative initiatives and a shared dedication to excellence, we will craft a strategic plan that not only propels Radford College forward but also strengthens the bonds that make our community so exceptional.
Hearing the call
Where do we encounter the holy?
Hearing the call
Share this articleBy Rev. Dr Katherine Rainger, Senior Chaplain
But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind.
- Job 12: 7-10
I live close enough to All Saints Anglican Church, Ainslie that I can hear the bells when they ring on Sunday mornings. Often, I’m still making my way to church when I hear their call. If I attend the 10:00 am service, I can hear the bells heralding the 8:00 am service in my living room. It is a reminder of the call to worship and prayer that has shaped communities for centuries and continues today.
The Irish poet David Whyte was recently interviewed by Sarah Kanowski on ABC Radio's Conversations. I was particularly taken by his story of an Irish monk from the Middle Ages who heard the bells ringing in the chapel. The monk thought to himself, “That is the most beautiful sound in the world, the call to silence, prayer and intimacy with God.” At the same time, the monk heard a blackbird cry in the garden, and he thought, “That is also the most beautiful sound in the world.” The monk was caught up in a moment of transcendence as he encountered the call of God in the bell and the birdsong.
In a moment of synchronicity, poet David Whyte’s wife came up behind him in his study one Easter morning. She rang Tibetan bells and David says, “The sound went straight through me.” At that exact moment, a red-winged blackbird called from the garden. He penned the following poem in response.
The Bell and the Blackbird
The sound of a bell
still reverberating,
or a blackbird calling
from a corner of the field,
asking you to wake
into this life,
or inviting you deeper
into the one that waits.
Either way
takes courage,
either way wants you
to be nothing
but that self that
is no self at all,
wants you to walk
to the place
where you find
you already know
how to give
every last thing
The approach
that is also
the meeting
without any
at all.
That radiance
you have always
carried with you
as you walk
both alone
and completely
in friendship
by every corner
of the world
Click here to watch David reading the poem.
Yesterday, at the Principal’s Commissioning service, we affirmed the call that our Principal Mr Christopher Bradbury has answered in joining the Radford community. It was a significant occasion as we prayed that he might have the wisdom and insight needed to live into his calling.
I wonder where is there a sense of calling in your life? What is it you hear? What do you notice? Which moments offer a glimpse of the transcendent as we embrace the randomness, joy and sadness that comes with being human together?
What's happening this month
Details of our upcoming events
What's happening this month
Share this article- P&F Welcome Back Event – 5.00 pm-6.30 pm today – J.A. Mackinnon Oval, Radford College – Register here
- P&F AGM – Thursday, 6 March – 6.00 pm – R.A. Young Hall or virtual (please email p& for login details)
- Secondary School Athletics Carnival – Thursday, 6 March – 8.30 am-3.00 pm – Australian Institute of Sport (AIS)
- Radford Collegians International Women's Day event for students in Years 10-12 – Friday, 7 March – 07.00 am-8.30 am – Morison Centre
- Years 2–6 Athletics Carnival – Tuesday, 11 March – 08.30 am-3.00 pm – Australian Institute of Sport (AIS)
Commissioning of the Principal
An historic day at the College
Commissioning of the Principal
Share this articleYesterday, staff, students and invited guests gathered in the Collegians Centre to witness the Commissioning Service of the Principal, Mr Christopher Bradbury. Mr Bradbury is the seventh Principal to lead Radford College since teaching began in 1984.
There to support him were his wife, Mrs Bernadette Bradbury, daughter Victoria, members of his extended family and former colleagues. Several Radford College board members, including Chair Mrs Vicki Williams, and former Principal Mr David Mulford, were among the invited guests.
Ngunnawal Elder, Aunty Violet Sheridan, delivered the Welcome to Country. The service was led by the Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn, The Right Reverend Dr Mark Short, with the homily delivered by Assistant Bishop, The Right Reverend Vanessa Bennett.
Staff, students and guests weren't mere bystanders, but were involved in the service, promising to support and pray for Mr Bradbury in his leadership and ministry at the College.
"Be among us as a diligent Principal, a faithful leader and colleague, so that together, we may be equipped to work for the education, well-being and transformation of the community of Radford College in the service of God and all people," those present recited.
Several Radford students performed solos during the ceremony, including College Captain Amber Smith who performed Concertino for Flute, Op. 107 by Cécile Chaminade. Year 11 student Kamae Rajen performed a moving solo on the violin and Year 6 student Yongmin Yin captivated those present with an impressive piano solo.
During the service, Junior and Secondary School students read passages from the Bible.
A memorable moment occurred when four gifts were brought forward by students, as symbols of Mr Bradbury’s vocation: the listening chair; candle and College ethos; tree; prayer book and College Prayer.
In his address, Mr Bradbury highlighted the importance of human flourishing. "Human flourishing needs to be at the heart of our educational mission, which integrates the pursuit of academic growth and achievement; equally complemented with the cultivation of a life based on purpose, meaning and well-being. Excellence is not perfection or winning at all costs. It is a deeply satisfying process of becoming the best person you can be."
He went on to explain how character within a Radford education, is not a supplementary add-on, but the very foundation upon which all other achievements are built. Character is the compass that guides students through the complexities of a rapidly changing world.
"Good character is not merely a means to an end but an inherent good, which is fundamental to a flourishing human life and building leadership. It will allow each student to lead – to lead self, so they can lead others and ultimately lead our community. We want Radford students to lead with humility, hope, courage and justice, so they flourish personally as leaders and to further the flourishing of their peers, our school and, ultimately, our society."
Mystery Tour and '300 Minutes of Danger'
Year 7 tour Canberra scenes with author Jack Heath
Mystery Tour and '300 Minutes of Danger'
Share this articleBy Mrs Sue Hassall, Secondary School Teacher
Jack Heath, a Canberra novelist whose work includes 300 Minutes of Danger (for children), Kill Your Husbands (not for children) and 40 other books, translated into ten languages, accompanied 215 Year 7 students on a mystery tour around Canberra on Wednesday.
The purpose was for students to record notes about the features, objects and atmosphere of the various locations to help them craft a descriptive passage of one location that evokes an emotional response in the reader.
Church bells welcomed us to St John’s Churchyard, reverent silence blanketed us in the cool crypt where Bishop Radford was interred, a helicopter hovered noisily over the graffiti-covered wall near a stormwater drain in Woden, and a verse from Dorothy McKellar’s poem, I love a Sunburnt Country, was read to students as they scrambled over the poem’s word sculpture. Students were required to observe sounds, smells, images, textures, colours and their responses to the settings, and there was plenty to record.
The patience, competence and attentive care shown by Radford College Teachers Mr Cameron Brown, Ms Angelina Browning, Mrs Maddie Keogh, Mr Brett Lamson, Ms Megan Reed, Ms Kate Wales and Ms Maria Whiting ensured all students engaged with the task of recording information and ensured we had zero minutes of danger and instead just had focused engagement.
Five minutes with Mrs Jane Lilley
Jane's journey to Radford is as remarkable as her subjects
Five minutes with Mrs Jane Lilley
Share this articleWhen asked to describe Mrs Jane Lilley, Radford College staff agree she is someone with a heart of gold. This year marks Mrs Lilley's 15th year at the school, where she is one of our most dedicated and respected employees. The Head of Year and Secondary School teacher is known for going above and beyond, fostering strong connections with students and parents alike. In the classroom, her unique experiences - from fieldwork in the Amazon to beekeeping - bring subjects like geography and global studies to life. We recently sat down with Mrs Lilley to find out what she loves about her role and what brought her to Radford. Mrs Lilley’s journey to the College is as remarkable as the subjects she teaches.
How long have you been part of the Radford community, and what roles or responsibilities have you held during your time here?
I have been a part of the Radford community since 2011. Throughout this time, I've held a range of roles: parent of two students; wife of the P&F President; teacher; Head of Year; mentor; group tour leader (to Timor-Leste and Central Australia); and Head of Boronia House. Additionally, I have served as the choir manager for Vox, Chorale and Camerata, as well as managing the debating and softball teams. I’ve also convened several Radford Fete stalls, including the Tornado Potato and Devonshire Tea Stall, and have worked as an Art Sales Assistant at the Radford Art Show, which is coming up soon!
What initially brought you to Radford?
I initially came to the College in 2005 to complete the practical component of my teaching degree. At the time, I had a ten-week-old baby, Molly, and had requested my university place me at a school close to Molly's carer, her grandma. I was mentored by former maths teacher Mr James Hassall, who is married to English teacher Mrs Sue Hassall. James kindly arranged a space for me to feed Molly, who came to school each day during my placement. I found Radford to be a very welcoming environment where like-minded people with a passion for education worked. It was my experience as a prac teacher that cemented my resolve to work at the College.
You teach maths, geography, religious and values education, global studies and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme’s global politics, and you're also Head of Year 8. What do you find most rewarding about your role?
One of the things I treasure most about my role is that no two days are the same, despite working to a timetable. There are so many decisions to make, and I do a lot of thinking on my feet. I relish the opportunity to work with students and their families and how my rapport with them evolves from a more formal connection at the beginning to one that feels like a partnership or even a friendship towards the end.
I also enjoy the strategic planning involved in working with teaching and pastoral teams to develop challenging programs that ensure students feel supported.
Finally, moving through the College with a year group provides the opportunity to work with a huge range of staff, on a variety of projects specific to each year level.
How did you come to teach such a diverse range of subjects?
I always taught maths and geography, but when senior geography's popularity declined, I shifted to teaching global studies and global politics. These subjects focus on creating an awareness of the interconnectedness of the world and encourage students to think about their place within it. There’s something fulfilling about watching students develop a broader perspective.
Relating course content to real-world issues makes learning more relevant and meaningful. In subjects like mathematics and religious and values education, these connections show students how their studies are deeply intertwined with the world around them, sometimes in unexpected ways.
On a different note, when my daughters attended a Waldorf/Steiner-inspired preschool in the US, I worked as a substitute teacher, giving me experience even in a pre-kindergarten setting!
How long have you been a teacher, and what led you to choose this career path?
While I trained to be a teacher in 2004-05, I didn’t kick off my teaching career until 2011. After initially deferring from engineering because I decided it involved too much physics (sorry Dr Peppler, Ms Reed and Mr Bristow!), I switched to a science degree majoring in maths. I also took second-year environmental geography, which sparked my interest in fieldwork. I gained work experience in environmental education, working with outreach programs like Landcare and Waterwatch, and later moved into project management. While rewarding, I realised teaching was my true passion.
What are some of your interests or hobbies outside of Radford?
I wish I could say that I’m an apiarist. I own a flow hive but have unsuccessfully populated it with three colonies over the past five years. In total, I have harvested about ten litres of honey.
I love being outside. I play hockey, dabble in a bit of yoga and, when I have time, enjoy bushwalking. For me, spending time away from technology is a luxury.
People would be surprised to know…
While looking for one of my first professional jobs, I answered an advertisement that led me to spend three-and-a-half months living in a tent doing wildlife surveys in the deepest darkest part of Peru, AKA the Amazon basin (I think this may contribute to my fondness for Paddington Bear!). The wildlife was incredible, and I made some lifelong friends.
I'm also one of nine children!
In the spotlight
Acting Assistant Principal Curriculum, Mr Jason Golding
In the spotlight
Share this articleBy Mr Jason Golding, Acting Assistant Principal Curriculum
This year, each one of our Year 12 students has been given the opportunity to join a progress interview with a senior member of staff to reflect on their Year 11 performance and set goals and strategies for achieving their personal best in 2025. It has been impressive how mature and circumspect so many of our students have been in their review of their work habits, as has been their resolve in aspiring for excellence, both personally and as a cohort.
It is a deeply held conviction at Radford that personal bests in learning and achievement rely on continual growth from multiple points of reflection and feedback.
This is supported at Radford by a focus on formative assessment through timely and meaningful ‘hurdle’ tasks that allow the student and teacher to take stock of what has been learnt, support organisation and processes, and clearly communicate next steps.
We are so fortunate at Radford to have a commitment to continuous reporting and a platform to support it. Originally conceptualised as ‘online and in time’, our students and parents are able to track assessed learning progress through each semester and, more specifically, see which particular skills or aspects of understanding are developing well or needing attention. This enables our learners to see each assessment as feedback for future action and improvement, as well as recognition for what they have achieved to date. I really encourage parents to engage with the flow of feedback on their children’s progress through Nexus as they encourage their children to reflect and plan for future growth.
By Week 4, many students have had the opportunity to begin new subjects, particularly Years 7, 9 and 11. Some of these have been chosen by students, such as individual languages in Years 7 and 8, electives in Years 9 and 10, and different courses, levels and subject combinations in Years 11 and 12. As always, the College advises all students to make choices based on a combination of enjoyment and potential success, as students further tailor and refine their individual learning pathways through school.
I look forward to 2025 as an exciting year with rich learning opportunities across subjects and departments. Secondary School students have already had the chance to engage with expert speakers and to utilise our proximity to world-class galleries, museums and universities during class time, to both enhance their understanding and to inspire interest in future pathways.
Starting the year on a high note
Annual music camp prepares students for a busy year ahead
Starting the year on a high note
Share this articleBy Charlotte Knight and Timothy Kopras, 2025 Performing Arts Prefects
Last weekend our top ensembles from each co-curricular music stream travelled to Greenhills Centre for the annual Radford music camp. There was a mixture of instrumentalists from Corelli Chamber String Orchestra and Bernstein Symphonic Wind Orchestra, and singers from Camerata and Chorale.
Being a member of these groups requires commitment and dedication. Every day was filled with rehearsals, where musicians worked closely with conductors and peers to perfect their sound for the year ahead.
The immersive environment at Greenhills allowed students to focus on their craft, develop ensemble cohesion, and gain confidence in their musical abilities.
Beyond the rehearsals, the camp was a fantastic opportunity for students to connect and build friendships across different groups. Breaks and social activities, including a lively trivia night, all helped to create lasting memories.
Whether through music or shared experiences, the camp fostered a strong sense of community, setting the stage for an exciting year of performances and collaboration.
Year 7 camp
The week in Biloela fostered teamwork, resilience and personal growth
Year 7 camp
Share this articleBy Mr Brett Lamson, Head of Year 7
Last week, Year 7 students travelled to the beautiful bush retreat of Biloela, a grassy valley within the NSW state forest near Moss Vale. Students were excited, a little nervous and full of energy as they boarded the buses, bright and early on Monday morning. After a two-hour bus trip, they met their camp leaders and started learning about map reading and navigation in preparation for the roughly six-kilometre hike to the campsite itself. The walk through the bush was beautiful, and the weather couldn’t have been better.
After arriving at the campsite, students quickly set up their tents and divided responsibilities for the first day. Some students were responsible for cooking, others for cleaning, hygiene, or navigation. It was wonderful to see so many students taking a proactive approach to the camp, showing initiative by looking for ways to get involved and collaborate.
Over the course of the week, students took part in a wide array of activities, all of which helped students bond and build relationships with their mentor group. There were relaxed activities such as canoeing, hiking and catapult building, while other activities were more adrenaline-filled, such as abseiling and the giant flying fox. The motto for the week was ‘challenge by choice’, inviting students to challenge themselves to a degree they felt comfortable with. Many students surprised themselves with what they were able to achieve.
At the end of the week, students hiked back to the staging area, and the pride and sense of achievement radiating from the students as they completed the camp was clear for all to see. I couldn’t have been prouder of the way students stepped up to the plate, undertook challenges and supported one another to help make the camp a resounding success. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Director of Student Experiences, Mr Dylan Mordike, for all his hard work in the planning and execution of the camp, as well as to all the Year 7 mentors and additional staff members who attended. The camp would not have been possible without these people.
It has been an outstanding start to Week 4, and I’ve been delighted to see how comfortable, happy and connected students are within their mentor groups, having been through such a seminal shared experience that is Year 7 camp.
Introducing the 2025 Language Captains
Fostering student leadership in the languages department
Introducing the 2025 Language Captains
Share this articleBy Ms Michele Sharp, Head of Languages
Each year, Radford appoints students to leadership roles, and in the case of the languages department, we select Language Captains to promote and assist with language learning.
The captains are mentored by staff to promote language experiences across the Secondary School. During the interview process, they expressed wonderful ideas to engage the student body, impressing on them the importance of language learning. We wish them well with their endeavours this year.
Ciaran Milthorpe – French Language Captain
Learning languages can give you a fresh insight and perspective into a country’s culture. At Radford, we could study four different languages and be involved in Languages Week, excursions and even exchanges. We can grow and evolve as a society when we understand communities separate from our own.
Growing up, I always had friends who came from diverse backgrounds, where they spoke different languages and practised unfamiliar cultures with different faiths. I had the privilege of connecting with these people, being able to learn about their lives and take their experiences with me.
Languages can significantly improve your social interactions and ability to communicate with others. They also help you with the pathways you may decide to pursue in life.
Nandhitha Gopalakrishnan – Japanese Language Captain
I have been surrounded by languages from a young age. Growing up in a family of Tamil background, in a multicultural country, and having the opportunity to learn a variety of languages at school, has allowed me to truly build a respect and curiosity for other cultures and the ways they communicate.
I was first introduced to Japanese through Radford’s Year 7 languages program. Throughout my Secondary School years, Japanese has been the reason for many unforgettable experiences, including watching My Neighbour Totoro during online learning, trying my first Obento box, making a video with Beanie Boos, the Daiso excursion that left a hole in my wallet and, of course, the Year 10 study tour.
Studying languages has always been a positive experience and a privilege for me. As a Language Captain in 2025, I hope to encourage and motivate others.
Tahlia Hunt – Chinese Language Captain
Learning languages has been proven to enhance academic performance across all subjects. Choosing to study Chinese (Mandarin) was one of the most daunting decisions I have made throughout my schooling. What began as a tentative decision in Year 8, has evolved into a transformative experience - one that I am immensely grateful I made.
Studying Mandarin has not only improved my language skills but also enhanced my diligence and study methods, enriching my learning in all subject areas. Additionally, my cultural awareness has expanded, providing invaluable insights into neighbouring regions.
My aim this year is to help alleviate the immense anxiety surrounding language choice and to demonstrate that, although it may seem difficult, learning a language is incredibly rewarding and offers unparalleled experiences.
Isobel Higgins – Spanish Language Captain
During my time at Radford, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study a language every year. This experience has been nothing short of enriching, as it allowed me to immerse myself in various languages and gain a deeper appreciation for their different cultures.
Through my language studies, I have come to understand that language is not just a means of communication, but also a reflection of people's history, values and way of life. My interest in Spanish, for instance, dates back to when I was only eight years old and discovered that the Spanish version of Elizabeth was my name, Isobel. However, I later discovered that my name being Spanish didn't mean that my family necessarily had Spanish roots. My fascination with the language and culture stayed with me throughout the years. For this, I cannot express my gratitude enough.
Radford College sports wrap
Term 1, Week 4
Radford College sports wrap
Share this articleRadford's First XI through to the final
By Mr Wally Wright, Head of Cricket
After going down to the Wests in the Colts Division 1 T20 final earlier in the season, the First XI team was keen for revenge in the Colts 40-over semi-final last week.
Wests won the toss and elected to bat. After some bowling from Luke Davis (1 for 9 off 7 overs) and Fergus Boorer (1 for 16 off 4 overs), the First XI spinners went to work.
Archie Selmes (4 for 21 off 8 overs) claimed most of the wickets, but he was supported well by Amber Smith (1 for 12 off 3 overs), Calad Woodburn (1 for 8 off 7.2 overs) and Vihaan Vikramadithyan (1 for 4 off 5 overs). Accurate bowling combined with some sharp catches by Calad Woodburn and Ishaan Khan meant the First XI was able to bowl Wests out for 85.
Opening batter, Raunit Singh, balanced power with poise throughout the run-chase, scoring 45 off 78 balls. The First XI chased down the target in 25.2 overs.
The First XI will now play Marist College in the grand final on Monday, 10 March.
This weekend, the Hawks (Stage 2, Division 3) and Kites (Stage 3, Division 1) play in the semi-finals. The Eagles (Girls Stage 2) still have a chance of playing in the semi-finals next week if they can win their final round game tonight.
Upcoming School Sport ACT Team Trials
18&U SSACT, 12&U and 13&O Golf Championships (including Years 11 & 12)
Date: Monday, 31 March 2025
Location: Fairbairn Golf Club, 53 Laverton Avenue, Fairbairn ACT 2609
Entry requirements: Players must have a handicap and their own equipment.
Closing date: 26 March 2025
- This event is used as a selection mechanism for 2025 School Sport Australia Golf Championships.
- All students who wish to be considered for selection in the SSACT golf teams must also register via the SSACT website and pay the processing fee. The U18 team will be selected soon after this event. The U12 team will be selected mid-year.
- Please email if you would like an entry form.
Please note
- Radford students who choose to take part in SSACT team trials are to follow the registration process for the respective sports trials. The majority of SSACT trials are conducted after school hours, however, if the trial does take place during the school day, it is the responsibility of the parent or carer to notify the College of their child’s absence and provide supervision.
- If a Radford student is selected in a SSACT representative team, it is the responsibility of the parent or carer to follow the normal College absence processes.
SSACT Scholarship Fund
The SSACT Scholarship Fund is open and available for students who have been selected in a SSACT representative team and are required to travel interstate to compete at the respective School Sport Australia National Championships.
More information on the Scholarship Fund and its criteria can be found here.
Successful applicants will receive a $500 deduction from their team fees during the payment phase of the team preparation process. The approval process can be quite quick once the student is selected and once the criteria are deemed as a 'circumstantial hardship', e.g. multiple children from the same family making teams in a close timeframe.
Scholarship applications are to be submitted to
World's Greatest Shave
Raising funds for the Leukaemia Foundation
World's Greatest Shave
Share this articleThe World’s Greatest Shave, one of the biggest and most anticipated events for Year 12 students, is taking place on 3 and 4 April this year.
The Year 12 Class of 2025 set themselves the goal of raising $60,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation, and they are well on their way of reaching it. By lunchtime today they have already raised $41,753.
The World's Greatest Shave is the flagship fundraising initiative of the Leukaemia Foundation. It helps to raise funds for health services for patients and their families, and groundbreaking research projects.
Every dollar donated brings the Leukaemia Foundation closer to their goal of zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035.
Please join us at the P&F AGM
Thursday, 6 March at 6 pm
Please join us at the P&F AGM
Share this articleBy Mrs Monique Glavonjic, P&F Administrator
We invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss important updates, achievements in 2024 and plans for 2025. Your voice matters, and we value your input as we continue to foster an enriching environment for our parents and students.
Date: Thursday, 6 March 2025
Time: 6 pm
Location: R.A. Young Hall or virtual (please email p&
for login details)
During the meeting, you will have the opportunity to:
• Hear from our President, Mrs Stephanie Hinton.
• Ask questions and share your thoughts.
• Connect with other parents and members of the College community.
• Join the committee in 2025.
Parent participation is crucial in shaping the future of our school and for our community events to thrive.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Radford Foundation scholarship program
Applications close today!
Radford Foundation scholarship program
Share this articleBy Mrs Monique Glavonjic, Radford College Foundation Administrator
The scholarship program that is offered by the Radford College Foundation has been created to ensure an education at Radford College is accessible to a wide range of students.
The scholarship is a fantastic opportunity and open to Radford College students that will start Year 11 in 2026.
The ideal candidate for this scholarship is someone who is passionate about pursuing higher education and could benefit from financial support.
To access the application form and find out more information, please click here.
Applications close on 28 February 2025.
P&F welcome back event
We look forward to seeing you this afternoon
P&F welcome back event
Share this articleBy Mrs Monique Glavonjic, P&F Administrator
The Radford College Parents & Friends Association warmly welcomes both new and existing families to join us as we kick off another fantastic school year.
Date: Friday, 28 February 2025
Time: 5.00 pm—6.30 pm
Location: J.A. Mackinnon Oval, Radford College
Cost: $5 per person
Please register here
This is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends and meet new families. This year, we will be offering families a choice of food: banh mi or rice paper rolls served with water or a soft drink. Free gelato will be available to the first 120 guests. Please remember to bring your ticket along on the day.
Highlights of the Event
- Meet and greet staff, including our new Principal, Mr Christopher Bradbury.
- Get to know members of the Parents & Friends Committee.
- Fun games and activities for the children thanks to Gecko Sports. Children taking part in the colour run are encouraged to wear old or white clothing.
- Great food.
We look forward to seeing you there!