Staff Insights
Truth, Compassion and Wisdom
The bedrock of a Radford education
Truth, Compassion and Wisdom
Share this articleBy Mrs Louise Wallace-Richards, Acting Deputy Principal, Head of Secondary School
The values of our College were articulated by the founders back in the early 1980s as Truth, Compassion and Wisdom.
These values are applicable to students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. They promote justice and respect for others. They work individually as guiding values for our students and together to build a narrative about how to live a life that shows care for oneself and others, and one that makes a positive contribution to society.
Our values can be found on the College crest, which is worn by students as part of their daily uniform. They can be seen on the pillars entering the school on Haydon Drive and College Street and on the Mackinnon Building. They sit at the base of the tree as the roots from which the Secondary School learner traits rise and are explained in the diaries used by students every day as:
Being truthful is demonstrated by:
- Being honest.
- Pursuing and standing up for what you believe is right.
- Acting with integrity.
Being compassionate is demonstrated by:
- Treating everyone with respect, fairness and courtesy.
- Helping and encouraging others.
- Never condoning bullying or unkind behaviour, harassing or treating others unfairly.
- Appreciating the gifts, talents and uniqueness of others.
- Not criticising, ridiculing, belittling or humiliating others.
Being wise is demonstrated by:
- Committing yourself fully to your academic, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development.
- Being able to regulate one’s emotions to respond appropriately.
- Making balanced judgements and appropriate choices.
Whether a student has been at the College for most of their schooling or only for the final two years of their senior studies, these values should have a lasting impact on how they behave while at the College and when they leave Radford to join the workforce or complete further study. They should also impact how students conduct themselves when on excursions, overseas tours, playing sport, supporting from the sporting sidelines, representing the College at competitions and so on. Who a Radford student is engaging with should never make a difference to how they behave. Students should be as respectful when in conversation with Principal Mr Bradbury as they are with their teachers in the classroom, their coaches on the sporting field and their peers in the playground.
Often in conversations with students, I will ask them about our values and their understanding of them. Equally often, when students are thinking about why they want to contribute to the service-learning programs at the College, get involved in Round Square activities, attend Radford Awareness and Service (RAS) or Dirrum Dirrum Festival organisation committee meetings at lunch times, the values of Truth, Compassion and Wisdom are at work, positively influencing students to be inclusive, show understanding and care for others and have the confidence that their selfless actions can make a difference.
The values are the bedrock of a Radford education and have served generations of Radfordians for the past 40 years. How are you seeing our values in action in your children’s lives now?
Centring our hearts on love
Making the journey through Lent
Centring our hearts on love
Share this articleBy Rev. Dr Katherine Rainger, Senior Chaplain
Trent Dalton is an author who encourages readers to see the extraordinary in the everyday. His book Love Stories is a poignant example of this. Sitting on a corner in King George Square in Brisbane with a typewriter and a sign that read, “Sentimental writer collecting love stories,” Trent met people who shared their funny, profound, heartbreaking and joy-filled stories of love with him. He then compiled these stories into a book, which has since been adapted into a play.
Lent, the 40 days of preparation for Easter, can have a reputation for severe austerity and denial. There are elements of this tha have a place. Lent offers an antidote to the consumerism and excess that can become part of daily life by reminding us that fasting – whether that be from food, social media or shopping – can increase our gratitude and make us more aware of God and those around us.
Rev. Elizabeth Smith writes in the Lenten hymn that, “Love will be our Lenten calling.” Love is to be the impulse that motivates our spiritual practices, whether they be fasting, prayer, giving, study or reflection.
The prophet Joel, writing to ancient readers, reminds the people that God calls them to return to God “with all your heart, fasting, weeping and mourning” (Joel 2:12). Upon this return, the God they encounter “is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love” (Joel 2:13). This invitation is also for us. We are invited to return to God bringing our whole selves. We bring our whole hearts and our grief, as we mourn for ourselves and for the world around us.
Aboriginal Elder, Nyoongah woman and theologian, Aunty Elizabeth Pike, captures the sparseness and lament of the Season of Lent and the love and hope that call us forward.
Lenten Prayer
The song is gone.
And the ritual dance seems useless
But somewhere deep within
Our sorry hearts cry out.
The fractured circle of the Dreaming
Must be renewed.
During this Lenten time of soul-searching
Let us breathe life onto the dying coals,
Till the spark of love ignites
The flame of the Spirit.
Here still beneath the parched red earth
Here still are the mountains
We once climbed.
And the hidden spring beneath the plains
Giving out their life-giving water.
So let us now in Lenten preparation
Embrace once more the old way of our tradition
Of quiet - still - awareness.
Our way of contemplation,
Letting go the ills and bitterness of the past,
And centring our hearts on 'Love'
and the spirit of 'Hope' - then our Spirit
and the Spirit of the Dreaming will be renewed.
Published in The Power of Story: Spirit of the Dreaming by Elizabeth Pike.
What's happening this month
Details of our upcoming events
What's happening this month
Share this article- Meet and greet with Radford's new Head of Football – Thursday, 20 March – 5.00 pm–6.30 pm – G. Wigg Sports Centre – Register here
- Harmony Day – Friday, 21 March – Students to wear orange, cultural dress or a 'splash' of orange
- Sign up now for the RDA Holiday dance program – 15–17 April – Enrolments close on Friday, 21 March
- Exchange students from sister school Konko Gakuen, Japan visit Radford College – 21–27 March
- Rowing Nationals – 24–30 March – Lake Barrington International Rowing Course, Tasmania
- Junior School Parent-Teacher Conversations – Monday, 31 March, Tuesday, 1 April and Wednesday, 9 April
- Parents & Friends Committee meeting – Thursday, 10 April – 6.00 pm–7.30 – In person at Morison Building or online
- Secondary School Parent-Student-Teacher conversations – Tuesday, 1 April and Monday, 7 April
- Hispanic Day at the Junior School - Friday, 4 April
- Foundation Concert – Tuesday, 8 April – 5.30 pm – T.B. Millar Hall
- Whole College Easter Service – Wednesday, 9 April
- Foundation Day and last day of Term 1 – Friday, 11 April
In the spotlight
Acting Assistant Principal, Deputy Head of Junior School, Mrs Michelle Xerri
In the spotlight
Share this articleBy Mrs Michelle Xerri, Acting Assistant Principal, Deputy Head of Junior School
The well-being of our students is at the forefront of all learning and activity within the Junior School. Underpinned by the philosophy that all educators are teachers of well-being, our classroom and specialist staff work together with the Well-Being Team to equip students with the knowledge, skills and conditions needed to flourish in the classroom and life.
The Junior School Well-Being Team comprises Well-Being Specialist Teacher, Mrs Mackenzie Perfect; Junior School Counsellor, Miss Hannah Zaja; Well-Being Support, Ms Samantha Scott; Acting Deputy Principal, Head of Junior School, Ms Karen Mahar; and myself.
Term 1 has seen an abundance of bespoke well-being learning experiences. Some of the highlights include:
Year 6 Body Bright Incursion
As part of their inquiry into Who We Are, Year 6 recently participated in an incursion from the Butterfly Foundation’s Body Bright program. This session focused on helping students understand how media influences self-esteem and body image and highlighted strategies to navigate digital spaces responsibly.
“I liked how the speaker spoke about how you should like yourself for who you are instead of trying to be someone you’re not" – Conor, Year 6.
“We learnt not to compare ourselves to others because the internet is not always what it appears. When you are on the internet, you need to look beyond opinions and search for the facts because opinions can emotionally deceive you” – Heer, Year 6.
Switch 4 Schools
Students in Years 4–6 have been utilising the Switch 4 Schools (S4S) iPad application every morning as a tool to help them identify how they are feeling and develop a toolkit of strategies for regulating emotions.
“Switch 4 Schools is a fun and interactive way of learning how to control our emotions” – Yvonne, Year 4.
“We do check-ins that ask us to reflect on our energy levels and then we get to look at strategies to help us” – Harini, Year 4.
“I can use Switch 4 Schools to find ideas for how to manage my emotions. There are different switches such as 'box breathing' and 'draw the emotion'” – Junxin, Year 4.
Promoting a common language of friendship, Friendology lessons empower students with the explicit skills and understanding required to establish and maintain positive and healthy relationships.
“I’ve learnt that no friendship is perfect. Friends also change and that’s okay" – Grace, Year 2.
“I like that we are learning to make friends. This is important so that no one is lonely” – Lucas, Year 2.
“I love the games that we play that help us learn about our feelings. We sometimes role-play how to be a good friend. I liked when we made chatterboxes that had strategies inside for how to make a friend” – Ruiya, Year 2.
Five minutes with the Junior School Admin Team
They are always there to lend a hand
Five minutes with the Junior School Admin Team
Share this articleWhen your child has a fall, misplaces a belonging or simply needs someone to listen, the Junior School Admin Team is there to lend a hand. Meet the faces behind the scenes: Ms Beth Maggs, Junior School Executive Administration Team Leader; Ms Megan Sharp, Years K–4 Receptionist; Ms Lauren Hibberson, Education Care Services Coordinator; and Ms Angie Walters, Years 5–6 Receptionist and Bus Administrator. In this interview, we find out more about the vital, often unseen role they play at Radford College, what their days look like, and a few surprising details you might not know about them!
What is your role and how long have you worked at Radford College?
Beth: I am the Junior School Executive Administration Team Leader and started working at Radford at the end of 2007.
Megan: I have been the Years K–4 Receptionist for eight years.
Lauren: I am the Education Care Services Coordinator and have worked at Radford for 13 months.
Angie: I am the Years 5–6 Reception and Bus Administrator and have been with the College for 15 years.
What attracted you to Radford and how has your journey at the College evolved?
Beth: I started at Radford as the Executive Assistant to the Head of the Junior School. Since joining, the College and Junior School have expanded significantly, including new buildings such as the Gold Room, Green Room, Specialist Centre, Undercroft and two-storey Ridge building and play areas.
Megan: I had heard great things about Radford, and the staff made me feel welcome from day one. Over the past eight years, I’ve seen the school grow with new facilities, technology, and learning opportunities.
Lauren: I wanted to be part of a professional workplace with children at its centre. Though my time here has been short, I’ve learned a lot and look forward to more.
Angie: I started in the main reception and later became the Years 5–6 Reception and Parents and Friends Association Administrator. I’m still the Years 5–6 Reception Administrator but also manage the buses.
What’s your typical working day like?
Beth: Our team often comment that no two days are the same—even though our core roles remain the same. I sit in the Junior School Reception, but Megan and I have very different roles. The day can be so varied and change quickly. I manage the Head of Junior School’s diary and Junior School room bookings, liaise with the Registrar on enrolments, order supplies, process invoices and payroll, organise catering and assist with reception overflow.
Megan: Every day is fun working with our beautiful students. I handle first aid, communicate with parents, respond to students’ questions, offer reassurance and help to those who feel lost, and complete student attendance, making sure every child is accounted for and safe. Throughout the day, I continue to provide first aid and often lend a hand to some hungry tummies. As the day comes to a close, I’m busy ensuring that every child gets home safely.
Lauren: Every day looks different. From the day-to-day admin, running of the Early Learning Centre (ELC) program, supporting classrooms, and first aid, to working through rosters, policies, our legal requirements and much more. The wide range of my role keeps me on my toes and means that I am always learning.
Angie: My day is filled with engaging interactions with students, staff, and parents, problem-solving, and managing attendance communications. A fun highlight is sharing the care of the Radford chickens.
How does it feel to be part of such a dynamic team?
Beth: I feel honoured to be a part of the Junior School Admin Team. Everyone works together so well—if one of the team is away or has a heavier load, the others will step in to help. It’s also such a pleasure to work with all the amazing, dedicated Junior School staff that we have.
Megan: It feels amazing. I couldn’t ask for a more fun and diverse place to work.
Lauren: Working with a team of passionate professionals is so refreshing. I am fortunate to work across two teams. The Junior School Admin Team is a group of supportive, caring and reliable women. My ELC team is just as awesome—we support one another to create a strong learning environment for the children and a professional environment for our staff.
Angie: I work with the most amazing teams. The Junior School Admin Team are supportive, helpful, resourceful and just wonderful people to be around. The Years 5–6 staff are also wonderful to work with – from the specialist teachers to the teaching staff and learning support assistants.
People would be surprised to know ...
Beth: When I started working at Radford in 2007, the Junior School buildings were not complete. At the beginning of 2008, the students arrived but the office was a month off being completed. The Junior School receptionist, nurse, Head of Junior School, counsellor, librarian, library assistant and myself all sat in the Junior School Library with only one phone.
Megan: I played hockey for 40 years and coached the juniors for ten years. I also managed a junior rugby league side for three years.
Lauren: I am a true dance/gym mum. I spend my weeknights and weekends at training, competitions, sewing, managing teams and driving children across Canberra. I really enjoy seeing my children enjoy their sports and being part of a team.
Angie: I worked for the Australian Embassy and lived in Thailand for several years.
Celebrating International Women's Day
Radford Collegians networking breakfast
Celebrating International Women's Day
Share this articleIn honour of International Women's Day, Radford College Collegians hosted its first-ever networking breakfast and panel discussion. The event was open to staff and students in Years 10-12 and was very well attended.
The four panellists, Renee Dockrill, Sarah Dunbar, Chloe Jaggers and Melanie Macoun, are all Radford Collegians and happily shared tales of their experience in consulting, accounting, law, nutrition, health and well-being.
Collegians Captains, Audrey Potter and Jeffrey Pei, led the panel discussion, which included questions to panellists on how they manage gender bias in the workplace and the advice they would give their younger selves.
The women spoke passionately about challenges they've faced in their careers and overcoming them. Sarah Dunbar (Class of 2003), who is a partner at Deloitte Canberra in their Finance Transformation Consulting team, encouraged students to gain experience rather than attempt to climb the corporate ladder too fast. "Your career is a marathon, not a sprint," she said.
Sarah is an advocate for women in leadership roles and enjoys coaching and mentoring team members. She spoke about how she suffered from imposter syndrome when she returned to work after being made partner while on maternity leave. She encouraged students to back themselves and surround themselves with positive influencers.
Melanie Macoun (Class of 1993) works as a physiotherapist and has founded her own coaching business to help women develop sustainable healthy habits. She agrees with Sarah's comment on positive influencers.
"Foster good relationships and friendships. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and lift them up too."
Renee Dockrill (Class of 1994) is the co-founder of Artemis Partners, a female-owned and led consulting firm. Her decision to form this firm was a result of the challenges she faced in the workplace. She teamed up with three other women to form Artemis Partners. "If they are not valuing what we're offering, let's create an environment where what we do is valued," she explained. Since making this decision, Renee has served on the board of ACT Women's Health Matters and contributes pro bono to Toora Women, which supports ACT women in crisis.
Chloe Jaggers (Class of 2015) spoke about the road that led to her role as a Senior Policy Officer for Child Safety within the Attorney-General's department. She advised students to trust their gut when making decisions about their future. "You know yourself better than anyone else."
There were words of advice that were echoed by all panellists. They all advised students to travel to broaden their horizons, to stand up for themselves and to make the most of every opportunity. "Don't keep on striving for the next thing without appreciating where you are now," Melanie recommended.
Principal Mr Christopher Bradbury spoke about the importance of events like these and the value of fostering relationships between former and current students.
Thank you to Radford Collegians Administrator, Mrs Monique Glavonjic, for her hard work in making this wonderful event possible.
Honour boards take on a new life
Celebrating the achievements of our Collegians
Honour boards take on a new life
Share this articleBy Mrs Annette Carter, College Historian
During renovations, the honour boards that had adorned the walls of T.B. Millar Hall were carefully removed and stored. Interim Principal, Mr Andy Gordon, wanted to continue the tradition of these honour boards and mount them in clear view of students, families and visitors, with plenty of space to add the names of future recipients.
What followed was careful research to update the information before the honour boards were redesigned and installed on the exterior of T.B. Millar Hall. The research process involved verifying names, ensuring accuracy and replacing initials with full first names.
The updated boards preserve the legacy of past students while being in a prominent position to inspire future generations.
The nine boards include the names of all the College Captains and Vice Captains since 1988, recipients of the Year 12 Citizenship award, the names of the Year 12 All-Rounders since 1990, the T.B. Millar Leadership Award recipients, the College Duxes since 1988 and the recipients of the Allen Family Memorial Awards.
Radford Collegian board member Mrs Genevieve Quilty (née Bessell) and former student Nicholas Meyers were the first College Captains. Genevieve's name appears several times on the boards, including as the three-time recipient of the T.B. Millar Leadership Award.
There are also boards that commemorate members of the Radford College community, including former presidents of the Parents and Friends Association and the G. Wigg Community Spirit Award.
Please come and have a look at this piece of Radford College history when you next visit the campus. The original boards will be archived for posterity, ensuring their place in our College's history.
On your marks, get set, go!
Years 2-6 Athletics Carnival
On your marks, get set, go!
Share this articleBy Miss Hayley Oldfield, Head of Houses
One of the highlights on the Term 1 calendar is the Junior School Athletics Carnival, and this year was one for the books.
Students in Years 2–6 gathered from early morning on Tuesday to compete and win points for their Houses. From sprint races to long jumps, students gave it their all, demonstrating perseverance and teamwork throughout the day.
The carnival ran seamlessly, thanks to the dedication of staff, volunteers, and most importantly, the students who approached each event with enthusiasm. Their resilience and sportsmanship were evident in every race, throw and jump – making the event both exciting and inspiring.
This year’s carnival was a celebration of effort, camaraderie and House spirit. Congratulations to all participants for their outstanding efforts, and to our community for making the event such a success!
Learning more about Ngunawal language
Inspiring Ngunawal workshop with Tyronne Bell
Learning more about Ngunawal language
Share this articleBy Rev. Dr Katherine Rainger, Senior Chaplain
Yuma (hello in Ngunawal).
Several Radford College staff members recently had the opportunity to participate in a Ngunawal language workshop with Ngunawal custodian, Mr Tyronne Bell.
The workshop was a fantastic opportunity to learn from Tyronne about Ngunawal history and culture (including why historical documents spell Ngunawal with one ‘n’, a practice Tyronne continues). Participants then learnt some greetings and how to give an Acknowledgement of Country in the Ngunawal language, along with the protocols for delivering an Acknowledgement using the knowledge we had been given.
Hearing the Ngunawal language spoken by Tyronne and then by each person in the room, after they had been taught by him, was quite profound. So too was hearing more about the history and people who have lived in the Canberra region for thousands of years.
We also learnt that Canberra is based on a Ngunawal word that means 'meeting place', a beautiful reminder of the gatherings that have taken place for centuries.
We would like to invite Tyronne back to Radford College to deliver another workshop in Term 2. Please email me if you’d like to be part of the next workshop and you are a Radford staff member, parent or caregiver.
To learn more about Tyronne and the work that he does, please visit his website Thunderstone Aboriginal Cultural Services.
Radford College sports wrap
Term 1, Week 6
Radford College sports wrap
Share this articleRadford Rowing Shines at NSW Schoolgirls and Schoolboys Head of the River
Radford’s rowers and coxes showcased their strength, skill and determination at the 2025 NSW Schoolgirls and Schoolboys Head of the River Championships in Penrith last weekend, competing against the best school rowing programs from NSW and the ACT.
On International Women’s Day, our female athletes delivered a phenomenal performance at the Schoolgirls Head of the River, securing three podium finishes: 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze.
The momentum continued as our male crews battled sun and rain to deliver outstanding results at the Schoolboys Head of the River, coming home with 3 Gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronze.
These results placed Radford College fourth overall and crowned us as the top ACT school at the Schoolboy Championships!
Well done also to our Paddler Girls and Boys squads for proudly representing Radford in their first interstate regatta.
Next up is the ACT Open Age Championships this weekend before our team of 30 rowers and coxes head to the Australian Championships in Tasmania!
Schoolgirl 2nd Coxed Quad
Kate Colyer
Hanna Koch
Lilly Soderblom
Gigi Hickey
Jackson Thew – coxswain
Year 9 Schoolboy Single
Victor Cumpston
Year 10 Schoolboy 2nd Coxed Quad
Daren Wang
Owen Scowcroft
Darcy Barlow
Zi You Qiu
Ben Scowcroft – coxswain
Year 10 Schoolboy 3rd Coxed Quad
Marcus Grima
Andrew Ren
Ricky Tang
Rupert Keeling
Charles Kendall – coxswain
Year 9 Schoolgirl Single
Sarah Tompson
Year 10 Schoolboy Single
Alexander Tailby
Schoolboy Double
Josh Miller
Hamish Whithear
Year 10 Schoolboy 1st Coxed Quad
Ciaran Brennan
Charlie Vyver
William Fraser
Alexander Tailby
William Huang – coxswain
Schoolgirl 1st Coxed Quad
Lucy Mihaljevic
Freya Teschendorf
Isobel Egan
Amelie Brennan
Charles Kendall - coxswain
Year 10 Schoolboy Single
Owen Scowcroft
Year 10 Schoolboy Double
William Fraser
Ciaran Brennan
First XI Cricket Team Premiers
Radford’s First XI impressed in their final against Marist College.
The First XI won the toss and elected to bat. Alex Wheeldon set the tone from the outset, taking 10 runs off the first over. More clean hitting followed in the next few overs before Alex was run out for 24 runs off 15 balls.
Raunit Singh and Aminda Weerasooriya then went to work compiling a 183-run partnership. The right-hand, left-hand combination made life difficult for the Marist bowlers as both batters targeted the short boundary. Raunit fell agonisingly close to his maiden century for the First XI when he was caught for 96 runs off 94 balls. Aminda fell short of replicating his century achievement from last season when he was caught on the boundary for 94 runs off 99 balls. Calad Woodburn (27 runs not out off 18 balls) and Cooper French (12 runs not out off 13 balls) then closed out the innings with some bold running and inventive stroke play. Radford College finished their 40 overs with an imposing score of 4 wickets for 272 runs.
Fergus Boorer (2 wickets for 12 runs off 4.5 overs) made the perfect start to the bowling innings, trapping the competition’s leading run-scoring LBW for a golden duck. Calad Woodburn executed a sharp runout and catch in the following overs, which gave Radford the perfect start. The spinners then went to work. Amber Smith finished her prolific career in the Radford First XI in style with 3 wickets for 22 runs off 8 overs. Archie Selmes (2 wickets for 18 runs off 7 overs) took a few key wickets, and Vihaan Vikramadithyan (1 wicket for 15 runs off 5 overs) was as miserly as ever. Marist College were all out for 115.
A special mention goes to the Year 12 students who played their last game for the First XI. Captain Luke Davis, Ishaan Khan, Amber Smith and Raunit Singh have all played key roles in the success of the First XI in recent years.
Radford students volunteer at Canberra Day fun run
Radford students volunteer at Canberra Day fun run
Share this articleBy Ms Kath Notley, Director of Service Learning
Before the sun had even risen on the Canberra Day public holiday, more than 30 dedicated Radford students in Years 9–12 arrived at Regatta Point to volunteer at the Canberra Day Fun Run, supporting Hands Across Canberra.
The fun run is a key part of the Canberra Day Appeal, which encourages Canberrans to "give where you live" to help make our community a better place for everyone.
Our students enthusiastically took on roles such as course marshals, high-five tunnel champions, aid station coordinators and finish-line congratulators. Their dedication and energy were instrumental in ensuring the event ran smoothly, and their efforts were met with appreciation from participants and organisers alike.
The Hands Across Canberra 2025 Appeal runs until 20 March, with every dollar donated to a local charity matched (up to the first $2,500 raised). With more than 101 charities involved this year, there’s a cause for everyone to support.
Thank you to our incredible students for their commitment to community service—your generosity and enthusiasm continue to make a difference!
Foundation Concert: Wild Wonders
Please join us for this free event on Tuesday, 8 April
Foundation Concert: Wild Wonders
Share this articleBy Mrs Kirsten Knight, Head of Co-Curricular Music
The Foundation Concert this year, entitled Wild Wonders, will be held in T.B. Millar Hall from 5.30 pm on Tuesday, 8 April. You are invited to join us for an evening of music exploring nature, the environment and other interpretations of what it is to be wild.
The evening will feature performances by the Chorale and Camerata choirs, Corelli Chamber String Orchestra and our Big Band featuring special guest and Collegian Mr Matthew Trigge (Class of 2018) on trumpet.
This is a free event and tickets are not required. Please come and join us for a wonderful evening of music.
Introducing the P&F Committee for 2025
Welcome to our new and returning members
Introducing the P&F Committee for 2025
Share this articleBy Mrs Monique Glavonjic, P&F Administrator
We are delighted to introduce the newly appointed Parents and Friends Committee members for 2025!
These dedicated individuals will play a vital role in fostering a strong College community, organising community events and supporting our students and staff throughout the year.
Committee Members for 2025:
- President: Mrs Stephanie Hinton (returning)
- Vice President: Ms Sarah Clough (returning, new role)
- Secretary: Mrs Katrina Rumball (returning, new role)
- Treasurer: Mrs Natalie Talbot (returning)
- Assistant Treasurer: Ms Ying Yuan (returning, new role)
- Committee Member: Mrs Kylie Munns (returning)
- Committee Member: Dr Vidushi Patel (returning)
- Committee Member: Mrs Kathleen Denley (new)
- Committee Member: Ms Vanessa Wawrzyniak (new)
- Committee Member: Mrs Laura Elavia (new)
The committee is supported by P&F Administrator, Mrs Monique Glavonjic.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to last year’s committee for their incredible contributions, and we look forward to an exciting and productive year ahead with our new team!
Kick-off event with the new Head of Football
Join us for a meet and greet with Mr Mitch Stevens
Kick-off event with the new Head of Football
Share this articleBy Mrs Monique Glavonjic, P&F Administrator
The Parents & Friends Association would like to invite parents, carers and members of the College community to an exclusive meet and greet event with our new Head of Football, Mr Mitch Stevens. This event will provide an opportunity to hear about his vision for the football program, ask questions and connect with other football-supporting families.
Event highlights:
- Introduction of the New Head of Football
Get to know Mitch’s background and coaching philosophy and approach to the College's football program. - Q&A session (commencing at 5.30 pm)
Parents will have the opportunity to submit questions in advance, which will be addressed during the session. - Community engagement
A chance to meet other parents, staff and supporters of the football program.
Submit your questions
To ensure we cover the topics most important to our community, we invite parents to submit questions ahead of time. Please send your questions via the submission link that can be accessed here until Tuesday, 18 March.
RSVP Details
Please confirm your attendance by registering for this event here.
Sausage sizzles and drinks will be available from 5 pm.
We look forward to seeing you there and working together to support the future of football at the College.
World's Greatest Shave
Three weeks to go and $55 000 raised already!
World's Greatest Shave
Share this articleThe World’s Greatest Shave, one of the biggest and most anticipated events for Year 12 students, is taking place on 3 and 4 April this year.
The Year 12 Class of 2025 set themselves the goal of raising $60,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation, and they are well on their way of reaching it. By lunchtime today they have already raised more than $55,000.
The World's Greatest Shave is the flagship fundraising initiative of the Leukaemia Foundation. It helps to raise funds for health services for patients and their families, and groundbreaking research projects.
Every dollar donated brings the Leukaemia Foundation closer to their goal of zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035.