Staff Insights
Nurturing resilience in well-being
Allowing students to thrive and flourish
Nurturing resilience in well-being
Share this articleBy Mr Christopher Bradbury, Principal
Education is a key determinant of a young person’s social and emotional development and is crucial for establishing a sense of identity and place in the world. Young people have the right to an education that effectively prepares them for the present and the future. Education that is high-quality, safe, supportive and meets their individual and diverse needs.
Education encompasses life-long learning that supports young people to develop socially, intellectually, physically and emotionally, as well as to engage in the complexities of life after school.
Our mission statement is:
Radford College is a generous-spirited learning community that embodies the beliefs and values of the Christian faith in the Anglican tradition. We develop young people to live truthfully, practise compassion and seek wisdom in order to serve the common good.
A key component in realising our mission statement is through nurturing resilience in well-being. The development of resilience for our young people is not just a Radford matter, it’s a societal matter. Our lives are becoming more complex and stressful and therefore we need to provide our students with a ‘toolkit’ to be able to handle these challenges. Running away from challenges and avoiding them will not solve the problem.
Psychological resilience is defined as "flexibility in response to changing situational demands, and the ability to bounce back from negative emotional experiences" (Block & KreKremen, 1996). Resilience is at the heart of mental health and well-being. A school needs to reinforce the importance of challenge in the development of resilience by proactively seeking out opportunities for growth and development. Parents, students and teachers should never forget that learning at its very essence has stress involved. Your success in life depends on how you deal with it.
Statistically we know that resilience creates an 18% increase in achieving stronger learning. We also know that clinical anxiety is a significant issue for our young people with 46% (Year 11 students) and 59% (Year 12 students) nationally suffering from anxiety (Borazon & Chuang, 2023). Therefore, the challenge for schools is how do we address these alarming statistics and effectively develop strategies to build resilience and minimise clinical anxiety?
Dr Andrew Fuller from the University of Melbourne has researched and written extensively on nurturing resilience in well-being. He argues that there are 3 mindsets that young people adopt which include:
- The Resilient Mindset 45%
- The Anxious mindset 30%
- The Avoidant mindset 25%
The Resilient Mindset is the ‘zone of proximal development’ where we want our young people to be most of the time. These students still get stressed, but it doesn’t stop them from achieving their goals. They deal with setbacks and can manage their learning. They are more creative, master routines and show greater flexibility. Fuller argues that it’s when students are in the zone of the ‘resilient mindset’ that they can learn best, and it is positive relationships that will allow us to remain in the optimal zone.
Resilience is not about knowledge, it’s about relationships. Resilient schools and families, are places where students are connected, protected and respected.
Character development at Radford focuses on developing skills and dispositions in building positive relationships with others. We have discussed with our students the importance of looking someone in the eye, a firm handshake, a confident posture, a smile and greeting others with warmth and respect. You can tell if a student has a resilient mindset by those qualities because they’re not doubtful or insecure about who they are.
At Radford College, we recognise the value of a strong relationship between students, staff, parents and the wider community. A resilient culture is an inclusive culture. It’s one that values the student as both a learner and a person.
According to Borazon and Chuang's research only 65.5% of all young people have adults in their life who care about them. Even less, 62%, report that they have adults in their lives who listen to them. While the majority of students nationally are engaged in school and feel connected to adults, imagine what the results would be like if we invested more significantly in positive relationships with our young people so they can thrive and flourish.
Spirituality and the Arts
Seeing again, listening deeply and acting with kindness
Spirituality and the Arts
Share this articleBy Rev. Dr Katherine Rainger, Senior Chaplain
Father Richard Browning, former chaplain at Radford College, has a fantastic way of speaking about respect. To respect is to "see again, listen deeply, act with kindness."
I have used this definition of respect with students in classrooms, in chapel services, on service-learning trips to Timor-Leste and Myall Creek, on outdoor education experiences and excursions.
Artists have a unique ability to invite us to “see again.” Lisle Gwynn Garrity has created an artwork titled Lost & Found based on Jesus’ parable of The Lost Sheep where the Shepherd leaves the 99 sheep to search for the one lost sheep (Luke 15:1-7). She writes:
"I began my artwork for this series by collaging torn strips of newspaper articles together, overlapping global headlines with photos of current events. Along the torn edges, I added gold leaf. Then I photographed the result, editing the photos in black and white.
These photos would become the backdrop for my pieces, as I wanted my digital drawings to emerge within the noise of the world’s deepest pains, divisions, and everything in between. The collage is also a reference to theologian Karl Barth’s famous quote about reading the Bible and the newspaper together. I wanted the gold leaf to represent God’s presence in the spaces in between the events and forces that tear us apart.
What strikes me is the pursuit of the shepherd, so singularly focused on the one who is lost, vulnerable, and at risk. The Good Shepherd steadies the sheep on his shoulders and steps out of the frame toward us. His gaze finds mine, and I almost hear him whisper, “I will never stop searching for the lost. I will never stop rejoicing when one is found.”
To leave the 99 behind in search of the one does not make a lot of sense mathematically, but in God’s economy of love it makes all the sense in the world.
Spirituality and the Arts RaVE excursion
Year 9 Religious and Values Education students recently explored how the arts can enhance, enliven and embody spiritual ideas on an excursion to Goulburn. Why Goulburn? A few reasons. First, St Saviour’s Cathedral, the Cathedral for the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn, is located there. Students were able to connect with Radford College’s Anglican identity by viewing Bishop Lewis Bostock Radford’s cope and pectoral cross. A guided tour also provided the opportunity to learn more about the art and symbolism found in the Cathedral. Please see the slideshow below for a glimpse of the day's activities.
Second, the Goulburn Regional Art Gallery is conveniently situated across the road from the Cathedral. As part of the Year 9 Religious and Values Education (RaVE) unit on ‘Spirituality and the Arts’ students explore the way different artists convey ideas related to belief, meaning, connection and purpose. The students interacted with works in the Primavera: Young Australian Artists exhibition and with those of Jodie Munday’s Woven Stories.
Third, Goulburn has a Public Art walk that invites students to pause and reflect on the effect of having artworks installed in public spaces.
I wonder what you might notice this weekend that invites you “see again.”
What's happening this month
Details of our upcoming events
What's happening this month
Share this article- Exchange students from sister school Konko Gakuen, Japan visit Radford College – 21–27 March
- Rowing Nationals – 24–30 March – Lake Barrington International Rowing Course, Tasmania
- Junior School Parent-Teacher Conversations – Monday, 31 March – Friday, 11 April
- Secondary School Parent-Student-Teacher conversations – Tuesday, 1 April and Monday, 7 April
- Hispanic Day at the Junior School – Friday, 4 April
- Foundation Concert – Tuesday, 8 April – 5.30 pm – T.B. Millar Hall
- Whole College Easter Service – Wednesday, 9 April
- Parents & Friends Committee meeting – Thursday, 10 April – 6.00 pm–7.30 – In person at Morison Building or online
- Foundation Day and last day of Term 1 – Friday, 11 April
We all have a role to play!
Celebrating Harmony Day 2025
We all have a role to play!
Share this articleBy Mrs Michelle Xerri and Rev. Dr Katherine Rainger
Harmony Week (17 – 23 March) is a national event that celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. Almost half of Australians were either born overseas or have a parent who was. Over the past 70 years, more than seven and a half million migrants have made Australia their home. Australians identify with around 300 ancestries.
Our communities are enriched when we celebrate the strength and diversity of First Nations peoples of over 500 nations. Thursday, 20 March was National Close the Gap Day when the annual Close the Gap campaign report is delivered to demonstrate where progress has been made in reaching equality and where significant work still needs to occur.
Along with celebrating cultural diversity it is important to acknowledge the urgent work that needs to be done to combat racism wherever and whenever it arises. Harmony Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March. The Department of Home Affairs, who sponsor Harmony Week, point us to the 2024 Multicultural Framework Review findings and the need to be proactive in fostering inclusive communities and combating racism, discrimination and injustice.
The ongoing message of Harmony Day is “Everyone Belongs.” Every day Radford College nurtures a community of belonging where everyone can be proud of their cultural and linguistic identity. We also foster a culture of “upstanders” who call our racism.
In 2025, the Harmony Week theme is “Harmony – we all have a role to play!” Today, on Harmony Day, Radford College enthusiastically embraced this year’s theme by playing our part in celebrating cultural diversity and bringing people together. Across the campus there were opportunities to share and embrace cultural identity, conversation, stories, songs and food through gatherings and special events.
Junior School Celebration
The Collegians Centre was awash with splashes of orange and cultural dress as our Junior School staff and students joined together to celebrate the sense of belonging found in our diverse and inclusive Radford community. The Songsters choir encouraged everyone to feel at home by embracing all backgrounds through the uplifting bilingual anthem, "Welcome Here (Bienvenidos)".
The Radford Student Council demonstrated that everyone has a role to play in building a harmonious and inclusive community through their Compassion project and Radford Reaches Out updates. Likewise, Year 6 students shared their service experiences, and the bonds forged during the recent Year 6 camp.
Radford parent and author of children’s book, Colombian Heart and Australian Soul, Mr César Álvarez, shared a message of journey, identity and belonging highlighting that cultural identity is not only formed by birthplace but also by relationships. You can read more about this wonderful book here.
Picnic on Morison Lawn
Radford Awareness and Service (RAS) students worked hard to organise events for Secondary School staff and students. They made posters, co-ordinated Harmony Day craft activities and games, and organised a picnic with a variety of food and drinks for sale. There was a great atmosphere as music played and conversations were shared.
Over the past few weeks RAS students have shared their thoughts on countries they’d like to visit, things they’ve learnt from other cultures, food they enjoy and their favourite flags. These might be good conversation starters for family dinners.
Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day
Seeing the world through Griff's eyes
Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day
Share this articleToday, on World Down Syndrome Day, we take a moment to celebrate the incredible individuals with Down syndrome and to raise awareness about the importance of understanding and supporting them. To help us see the world through their eyes, we spoke with Mrs Alison Steven, Acting Assistant Principal of Teaching and Learning, and proud mother to Griff, a Year 6 student at Radford with Down syndrome.
This year, the World Down Syndrome Day campaign focuses on how we can improve support for people with Down syndrome. In this heartfelt interview, Ali opens up about the meaningful support Griff receives at school. She also shares the joys of raising a child with Down syndrome and the challenge people with Down syndrome face, reminding us all that “we can learn so much from people with disabilities”.
Can you share the joys and challenges of parenting a child with Down syndrome?
There are so many joys in parenting Griff! We love witnessing how thoughtful, kind and funny he is. His love of singing and dancing (anywhere) is infectious. Griff is also super sporty, and it brings our family much pride to cheer for his teams in cricket, basketball and soccer. He also does swimming, surfing and boxing. The biggest joy, however, is Griff's fierce love and care for his family and close friends.
The hardest part is seeing or hearing about others who don't know or understand Griff being unkind to him.
What do you think are the most misunderstood aspects of Down syndrome?
People who don’t know Griff tend to focus on what he can’t do, rather than what he can do. We can learn so much from people with disabilities. For example, Griff lives in the moment, appreciates the little things and has such enthusiasm for life. People with Down syndrome are just as capable of learning as anyone else, and Griff has an amazing memory and imagination.
When it comes to school, what additional needs does someone with Down syndrome require?
Griff’s teachers, well-being team and learning support assistants help him transition between activities and guide him in social situations. Sometimes he needs encouragement to make helpful choices. The team tailors Griff’s classroom learning and uses a range of intentional strategies that give him some autonomy while ensuring he stays actively engaged in his learning.
How has the College supported your family with Griff’s needs?
We have been supported by incredible teachers. From Griff's first day in Pre-Kindergarten, Radford set high expectations for him while ensuring he was nurtured in a safe and caring environment. Radford has also produced numerous positive student role models for Griff. We have so many stories of Griff’s peers and older students looking out for him and celebrating his wins. What's more, the Junior School supports World Down Syndrome Day each year by wearing crazy socks. Last year, Radford also proudly supported Griff with participating in the ACT Schools Sports Athletics - and he came home with two records!
Are there any support groups or networks for parents of children with Down syndrome that you are involved in?
Yes, ACT Down Syndrome and the Intellectual Disability Association are active in Canberra. There are many online networks too.
What advice would you give to parents who are just beginning their journey with a child who has Down syndrome?
Reach for the stars! There are no limits to what people with Down syndrome can do, feel, think or contribute. As our third child, we’ve always held the same expectations and hopes for Griff as we have for his siblings. Since he was a baby, our mantra has been: "You can do anything".
Looking ahead, what are your hopes for Griff’s future at school?
Our hopes for Griff, and for every student living with a disability, are that they belong, are supported and are challenged to thrive at school; that they continually grow, learn and meaningfully contribute to their community. We want Griff to lead and help others understand all the different ways to be ‘smart’.
In the spotlight
Languages department
In the spotlight
Share this articleBy Ms Michele Sharp, Head of Languages
"In a world shaped by globalization, environmental change and technological advancement, our students will live, study and work in Australia and abroad in ways that we can scarcely imagine. To flourish, they must have the critical capacity to analyse complex information, the ability to communicate in multiple languages (and) the adaptive creativity to find solutions." – Dr Justin Garrick, Strategic Directions Towards 2020.
The language department leads Radford College in global mindedness. We are experts in intercultural pedagogy, promoting international links and high academic standards.
2025 will be another exciting year for our language learners. The teachers in the department are planning excursions and incursions to complement the learning undertaken in class. As part of our Year 10 exchange program, we will be facilitating exchanges and two study tours to France and Japan. These opportunities allow students to put their classroom learning into practice through authentic immersion, such as taking part in a homestay and attending school.
Last month we hosted individual exchange students from Markham College, Peru, and Meiji-Gakuin, Japan, and in the coming week the Year 10 Japanese students will be further developing their hospitality skills when we welcome students and teachers from Konko Gakuen, Japan.
Languages students will again have access to native speakers as part of our Language Assistant program with Momoka Shibata and Emma Plat joining us from Japan and France in Term 2 and 3 respectively. The languages department is very grateful for the support of the Radford families who will be hosting Momoka and Emma for the duration of their stay.
Through the Round Square network, we are actively seeking a sister school in China to establish a yearly exchange. Meanwhile, we continue to engage with the local community and provide cultural activities such as a Chinese Cultural Day to help students build confidence in real-life language use. Our Spanish program is also continuing to grow, including exploratory planning for our first Study Tour to Spain.
Enrichment opportunities such as linguistic competitions and assessments (OZCLO and ACER) are already underway, and we are expecting excellent outcomes again this year.
The languages team are passionate about language learning and are always willing to assist parents and students.
Here are some tips on how parents can assist in languages home learning:
- Small amounts of revision frequently
- The look, cover, write, check method for learning vocabulary and script
- Make flashcards
- Make use of the online platform Education Perfect to which all languages students have access
- Label items around the home
- Visit multilingual places e.g. a restaurant
- Watch a film in the language together
- Learn the language from your child
- Add test and assignment dates on a calendar at home
Perspectives of the newest staff members of our languages team
Ms Lisa Bourne – Japanese Teacher
I found the Radford students engaged, ready to learn and open to thinking about diverse perspectives through learning Japanese. I appreciate the collaborative atmosphere amongst the language department teachers which inspires me to continuously improve as a teacher and connect with students in a meaningful way. I was privileged to be part of the Year 10 study tour to Japan in September 2024 where I witnessed immense student growth academically as well as in their well-being.
Winnie Sun – Chinese Teacher
Teaching at Radford has been a rewarding experience. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the students, who bring enthusiasm and curiosity to the classroom. The students are eager to learn, and I appreciate the opportunity to share my knowledge with them. I hope to continue promoting Chinese language and culture, helping students gain a deeper understanding of and connection to China. The welcoming and supportive school community has also made settling in a pleasure. I’m excited to continue building connections and contributing to the learning environment here.
Building a culture of peace globally
Unveiling Radford's new Rotary Peace Pole
Building a culture of peace globally
Share this articleHarmony Day, a day dedicated to recognising Australia's cultural diversity, set the perfect backdrop for the unveiling of Radford's new Rotary Peace Pole - a global symbol of unity and peace.
Installed among the roses in Radford's Turning Circle, a special ceremony brought together students, staff and the local community to celebrate diversity and reaffirm the importance of peace.
Radford College's Senior Chaplain, Rev. Dr Katherine Rainger, said the Peace Pole reaffirms "our commitment to peace locally and globally, and especially in our relationship with each other and in our community".
A highlight of the ceremony was the presence of Mr Michael Rabey, the Founding Director of the Canberra Rotary Peace Bell, who read the latest peace message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations. His words resonated with the spirit of the event, as the Peace Pole serves as a reminder and call for peace worldwide.
Principal Mr Christopher Bradbury shared the significance of peace at Radford: "As an Anglican school, working for peace and justice is something that we strive to do, along with members of the Anglican community globally. Challenging violence and oppression, and working for justice, peace and reconciliation, is one of the marks of mission of the global Anglican church."
Acting Deputy Principal and Head of Secondary School, Mrs Louise Wallace-Richards, who helped coordinate the project with Mrs Ali Dunn, Secondary School Administrator, shared the significance of the languages inscribed on Radford’s Peace Pole.
"This Peace Pole is a monument that displays the message 'May peace prevail on Earth' in the language of the country where it is placed, as well as additional languages meaningful to the host site," she explained. "For Radford, we have chosen the languages we learn - Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and French - as well as English and the Ngunnawal language. The message is an affirmation of peace, and its placement furthers Rotary's goal of building a culture of peace throughout the world."
The Peace Pole project is part of a broader effort by the Rotary Club of Canberra Burley Griffin to mark the Centenary of Rotary in Australia. In 2021, the club set a goal to donate 100 Peace Poles to 100 schools.
The Peace Pole program was established in 1955 by Masahisa Goi, founder of the World Peace Prayer Society, following the devastation of the Second World War. Today, more than 250,000 Peace Poles can be found in approximately 200 countries, symbolising the collective desire for a peaceful world.
The ceremony concluded with a heartfelt reading of the Peace Pole's inscriptions. The messages, translated into Chinese, French, Japanese, Spanish and Ngunnawal, echoed the universal call for peace:
- English: May peace prevail on Earth (Heer Vunnam, Year 6).
- Chinese (Mandarin): Yuàn hépíng zài dìqiú shàng shèngxíng (Tahlia Hunt, Year 12).
- French: Puisse la paix régner dans le monde (Emma Osborne-Laverty, Year 12).
- Japanese: Chikyuu ni heiwa ga otozure masu you ni (Nandhitha Gopalakrishnan, Year 11).
- Spanish: Que la paz prevalezca en la tierra (Elsa Casey, Year 6).
- Ngunnawal: Yhurranuulun yhurwun ngunna dhara (Dreaming strong on Ngunnawal land, Dr. Katherine Rainger).
The installation of this symbolic monument is a reminder for all of us to act and think in the spirit of peace.
Radford College sports wrap
Term 1, Week 7
Radford College sports wrap
Share this articleThirteen Radford Basketball teams competing in grand finals this weekend
This past weekend, a total of 19 Radford College basketball teams competed in the semi-finals, finishing with a strong record of 13 wins and 6 losses.
Best of luck to the 13 Radford College who have progressed to the 2024/25 summer season grand finals! We look forward to cheering you on at the Belconnen Stadium this weekend.
Game date
Home team
Away team
U16 Boys Division 2A
Radford Falcons
Ginninderra Bush Rats
Court 1
12.20 pm
U16 Girls Division 1
Radford Hawks
TSC Hydras
Court 1
17.45 pm
U16 Girls Division 3
Radford Eagles
Ginninderra Creek Rats
Court 1
1.25 pm
U14 Boys Division 3A
Radford Eagles
Tuggeranong Vikings
Court 1
10.10 am
U14 Boys Division 4B
Radford Harriers
St Edmund's College Gold
Court 4
10.25 am
U14 Girls Division 1
Radford Hawks
Belconnen Ramblers
Court 2
12.45 pm
U14 Girls Division 3
Radford Eagles
Ginninderra River Rats
Court 1
12.20 pm
U19 Boys Division 3A
Radford Kestrels
Marist Cobalt
Court 2
2.55 pm
U19 Boys Division 3C
Radford Eagles
Daramalan College Black
Court 2
5.05 pm
U19 Boys Division 4A
Radford Harriers
TSC Wizards
Court 2
1:50 pm
U19 Boys Division 6
Radford Owls
TSC Wildcats
Court 4
6.00 pm
U19 Girls Division 2
Radford Falcons
Belconnen Ramblers Black
Court 1
1.25 pm
U19 Girls Division 4
Radford Harriers
Weston Creek Woden Dodgers
Court 4
2.45 pm
Secondary School Athletics Carnival champions
This week we honoured our Secondary School students on their achievements in the recent Athletics Carnival. We are also proud to announce that two of our students broke Radford College records that were set as long as two decades ago.
Josh Osborne broke the 2005 Open Boys shot put record with a throw of 12.91 meter, and Zoe Schofield broke a 2008 record by completing the Girls 400m in a time of 1:00:56.
We also announced the winners of the highly contested House and Spirit Cup. Congratulations to Banksia who took home the House Cup, and to Kurrajong who won the Spirit Cup by one point.
House Cup (competitive results) | ||
804 points
770 points
769 points
694 points
684 points
674 points
665 points
613 points
Spirit Cup (participation and chants) | ||
320 points
319 points
295 points
292 points
290 points
285 points
246 points
219 points
Serving the community
Students lend a hand at St Ninian’s Church
Serving the community
Share this articleBy Ms Kath Notley, Director of Service Learning
This week, a group of our students had the wonderful opportunity to support St Ninian’s Uniting Church in Lyneham as they prepared for their much-anticipated Clothing and Manchester Sale.
What started as an empty hall quickly transformed into a vibrant display of casual and formal clothing, shoes, and manchester items— all thanks to the teamwork and enthusiasm of our students. Working alongside the dedicated church volunteers, they helped sort, organise, and prepare the merchandise for the big event.
The volunteer supervisors were incredibly grateful, praising our students for their positive attitude, strong work ethic, and willingness to contribute. Their efforts not only eased the workload for the volunteers but also helped ensure the sale would be a success.
"Once again on behalf of St Ninian’s UCA we wish to say thank you. After you and the students left, the ladies were full of praise for the work you and the students achieved this morning and just how much easier the rest of the week will be for them. They were really impressed by the thoughtfulness and politeness of the students who represented Radford College. They very much look forward to doing this together again through the year as the relationship between us develop. Thank you and God bless." – Rev. Sharon Cutts, St Ninian’s Uniting Church.
This marks our first collaboration with St Ninian’s, and we look forward to building on this connection in the year ahead. Thank you to all involved!
Afternoon tea with the Governor-General
Tuesday was a day to remember for Evie Buttsworth
Afternoon tea with the Governor-General
Share this articleLast Tuesday, 18 March, was a day Evie Buttsworth will never forget.
The Year 11 student from Radford College had the rare privilege of joining the Governor-General for afternoon tea at Government House to discuss juvenile arthritis—a cause close to her heart.
Juvenile arthritis is a chronic (ongoing) inflammatory condition that affects children. Common symptoms include joint pain, swelling and stiffness in the morning.
Living with the painful and at times debilitating condition, Evie has turned her personal struggles into a platform for advocacy, offering support to others facing juvenile arthritis.
The afternoon tea at Government House not only provided an opportunity to discuss juvenile arthritis but also to celebrate Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC's recent appointment as Patron of the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation Australia (JAFA)—an organisation Evie works closely with.
"It was very special to be part of that event, and it was encouraging to see such an important figure in Australia supporting this cause," says Evie. "She is a lovely and very accomplished lady, and it was very interesting to meet her. The event was very nice, an afternoon tea outside in the gardens of Government House. She gave us a tour of the house and showed us all the significant places, such as the ceremonial study."
Evie counts herself lucky to have been diagnosed with juvenile arthritis at an early age and to have responded well to treatment. Through her work with JAFA, she shares her story and offers valuable insights into issues such as medicine distribution and support for young people with the condition.
"I was extremely fortunate to be diagnosed very early and to respond well to treatment, and I want to make sure that more young kids can be diagnosed early like me to stop the detrimental effects that juvenile arthritis can have on your life," says Evie.
For those unfamiliar with juvenile arthritis and childhood rheumatic diseases, Evie's message is simple: "Just be kind to everyone, as you never know the things that people are dealing with in their personal life and the knock-on effects that it can have on them day-to-day."
With advocates like Evie and the Governor-General speaking out, the hope is that awareness about juvenile arthritis will grow, and those affected will gain access to early and effective treatment.
"It is very significant for the Governor-General to be JAFA’s patron, as it will help to raise more awareness about this disease and the effects it can have on a child’s life. It will help doctors and health professionals to become more educated, and hopefully increase early diagnosis."
Colombian Heart and Australian Soul
A book about identity and diversity
Colombian Heart and Australian Soul
Share this articleBy Yaramí Ramos Gómez, Junior School Teacher
Earlier today, Radford's Junior School welcomed Mr César Álvarez, who introduced students to his book Colombian Heart and Australian Soul. César is a familiar face at the College and has previously taken part in Spanish lessons and activities during our Hispanic Day celebrations. Harmony Day was the perfect occasion to launch a book focused on identity, empathy and inclusion.
César’s warm and friendly demeanour made this a very enjoyable experience for students and teachers alike. He made a connection with older learners by explaining the steps of his creative process and describing the skills he had to develop to reach the final product. Our students come from diverse cultural backgrounds, and many identified with the way this cultural duality is presented in the book. The presentation offered a great opportunity for our students to compare their family’s experience of migrating to Australia, with César’s family’s journey portrayed in the pages of his book.
Our younger students were also engaged throughout the presentation, as César used his children’s anecdotes and language to talk about their personal experience of settling in Australia. Our younger students also loved the beautiful illustrations in his book, created by the renowned Colombian artist Andrés González.
We thank César for sharing his book and providing a wonderful occasion for our students to reflect on identity, empathy and inclusion and on the richness that diversity brings to our lives and society.
A new Director for the Foundation Board
Lifeline's Carrie Leeson joins Radford College Foundation
A new Director for the Foundation Board
Share this articleBy Mrs Monique Glavonjic, Community Engagement Manager
We are delighted to share that Ms Carrie Leeson, a valued member of the Radford College Board, has recently been appointed as a Director on the Radford College Foundation Board.
Carrie brings a wealth of experience in leadership, strategy, and philanthropy, making her an incredible asset to the Foundation. With her background in executive leadership and community impact as Chief Executive Officer of Lifeline, her expertise will help guide the Foundation’s efforts in fostering long-term financial sustainability, supporting scholarships, and creating opportunities for our students.
Having someone with Carrie’s skill set on the Foundation Board strengthens our commitment to ensuring Radford continues to provide an outstanding educational experience for current and future generations. We look forward to seeing the positive impact of her contributions.
Please join us in congratulating Carrie on this well-deserved appointment.
Student named ACT winner of Simpson Prize
Impressive essay leads to a win for Natalie Tam
Student named ACT winner of Simpson Prize
Share this articleBy Ms Jeanette Clayton, Head of History, Philosophy and RaVE
The Simpson Prize is a national history essay competition for students in Years 9 and 10. The competition encourages participants to explore the significance of the ANZAC experience and what it has meant for Australia.
The essay question for 2025 was as follows: ‘Australia’s relationship with Great Britain explains why Australia and individual Australians went to war.’ Discuss the accuracy of this statement with reference to World War II.
Radford College student, Natalie Tam submitted an impressive essay on this topic in Term 4, 2024, and I am excited to announce that she was chosen as the ACT Simpson Prize winner for 2025.
Natalie was presented with this prize on Tuesday at Parliament House. She will be part of an overseas study tour to Japan and Singapore, which will include attending an official Anzac Day Dawn Service.
Natalie is to be congratulated on her thorough understanding of the topic and a sophisticated essay which made excellent use of source material. Well done, Natalie!
Parents meet our Head of Football
An opportunity to learn about Radford's football program
Parents meet our Head of Football
Share this articleBy Mrs Monique Glavonjic, Community Engagement Manager
Parents of the Radford football community came together on the evening of Thursday, 20 March for an engaging and insightful meet and greet session with our newly appointed Head of Football, Mr Mitch Stevens.
The event, held in the G. Wigg Sports Centre and hosted by the Parents & Friends Association, provided an excellent opportunity for parents and staff to connect with Mr Stevens and learn more about his background and vision for the Radford football program.
Mr Stevens shared his extensive experience in coaching and player development, outlining his philosophy of fostering not only technical skills but also using football to develop sportsmanship, teamwork, character and personal growth amongst all Radford football players.
During the Q&A segment, parents had the chance to ask questions on a range of topics including training schedules, female teams and player pathways. Mr Stevens highlighted the College’s commitment to providing structured development programs for players of all skill levels, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive on and off the field.
The evening concluded with informal networking, where families had the chance to speak one-on-one with Mr Stevens and our Director of Sport, Ms Megan Fritsch. The positive energy in the room reflected the community’s enthusiasm for the program and the excitement surrounding the future of football at the College.
A special thank you to our Football Captains Henry MacCallum and Thea Reinhardt, who were supported by Year 12 Prefect Amelie Brennan on delivering a wonderful BBQ to kick off the evening.
We extend our gratitude to everyone who attended and to Mr Stevens for sharing his time and vision with us. With such a passionate leader at the helm, the College’s football program is set for an exciting and successful journey ahead. Stay tuned for further updates by following the Radford Football Nexus Group page.
Pathways Expo 2025
Mark 25 March at Canberra Grammar in your calendars
Pathways Expo 2025
Share this articleBy Mr Dale Casburn, Head of Student Pathways
We are excited to invite students in Years 10–12 and their families to attend the evening sessions of the upcoming Combined Anglican School Pathways Expo hosted this year by Canberra Grammar School. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore various educational and career pathways with leading institutions.
The evening sessions will run from 4.00 pm– 7.00 pm and will feature exhibitors from a wide range of fields, including:
- The Australian Defence Force
- The Australian National University
- Bond University
- Bonsella
- Engineers Australia
- Master Builders Association
- Study and Play USA
- The University of Canberra
- The University of Melbourne
- The University of Wollongong
Year 12 students will attend the main expo during the day, while the evening sessions are aimed at all students from Years 10–12.
For more information and to book your spot click here.
This is an excellent opportunity for students and families to gather information and plan for future academic and career pathways.
World's Greatest Shave
Raising money for the Leukaemia Foundation
World's Greatest Shave
Share this articleThe World’s Greatest Shave, one of the biggest and most anticipated events for Year 12 students, is taking place on 3 and 4 April this year.
The Year 12 Class of 2025 set themselves the goal of raising $60,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation, and they are well on their way of reaching it. By lunchtime today they have already raised more than $58,000.
The World's Greatest Shave is the flagship fundraising initiative of the Leukaemia Foundation. It helps to raise funds for health services for patients and their families, and groundbreaking research projects.
Every dollar donated brings the Leukaemia Foundation closer to their goal of zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035.
Foundation Concert: Wild Wonders
Please join us for this free event on Tuesday, 8 April
Foundation Concert: Wild Wonders
Share this articleBy Mrs Kirsten Knight, Head of Co-Curricular Music
The Foundation Concert this year, entitled Wild Wonders, will be held in T.B. Millar Hall from 5.30 pm on Tuesday, 8 April. You are invited to join us for an evening of music exploring nature, the environment and other interpretations of what it is to be wild.
The evening will feature performances by the Chorale and Camerata choirs, Corelli Chamber String Orchestra and our Big Band featuring special guest and Collegian Mr Matthew Trigge (Class of 2018) on trumpet.
This is a free event and tickets are not required. Please come and join us for a wonderful evening of music.